In order to revise Technical Specification for Concrete Strength Detection by Ultrasonic Rebound Method (CECS 02:2019), the ultrasonic sound velocity correction coefficient β in the current Technical Specification for Concrete Strength Detection by Ultrasonic Rebound Method (CECS 02:2005) edition standard is systematically tested. The study shows that the relationship between the measured sound velocities on the side - side and the top - bottom surfaces of the concrete does not exist in the correction coefficient β= 1.034 stipulated in the current CECS 02:2005. At the same time, the ratios of measured sound velocity on the side and top surfaces, and the side and bottom surfaces of concrete achieved by the test data are no more than 2%, that is, when the top or bottom surfaces of concrete pouring stipulated in the current CECS 02:2005 standard are measured, the representative value of sound velocity in concrete of tested zone is rather large, and should be corrected by ±5%.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
ultrasonic inspection
sound velocity
correction coefficient