

Algebraic Properties of Bergman-Type Toeplitz Operators on the Dirichlet Space
摘要 本文讨论了Dirichlet空间上由调和函数诱导的Bergman型Toeplitz算子的基本性质和代数性质,包括此类算子的自伴性、乘积性质、交换性及可逆性,并计算了算子的谱. We study preliminary properties and algebraic properties of Bergman-type Toeplitz operators which are induced by harmonic symbols on the Dirichlet space,including self-adjointness, products, commutativity and invertibility. Moreover, the spectra of the Toeplitz operator are calculated.
作者 秦杰 刘柚岐 黄穗 Jie QIN;You Qi LIU;Sui HUANG(School of Mathematical Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, P. R. China)
出处 《数学学报(中文版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期449-456,共8页 Acta Mathematica Sinica:Chinese Series
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11501068) 重庆市教委科研项目(KJ1600302)
关键词 TOEPLITZ算子 DIRICHLET空间 自伴性 交换性 可逆性 Toeplitz operators Dirichlet space self-adjointness commutativity invertibility
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