

Textual Criticism on Editions of The Collected Works of Valiant Yang Lian
摘要 杨涟作为明末名臣、谏官、东林党人,致力于争挽救危局的明末,深预"红丸案""移宫案"等政治斗争以正宫闱,并终因反阉党遏止魏忠贤而死。杨涟一生的著作较多,但流传情形比较复杂,给研究者带来不少困惑和麻烦。细加梳理,杨涟作品主要分为《杨大洪先生忠烈实录》等明末收集本,李赞元六卷本《杨忠烈公文集》、张伯行《杨大洪文集》二卷本系列,以及杨苞三卷本、杨征策五卷本、杨祖宪十卷本、潘锡恩五卷本、胡凤丹十卷本《杨忠烈公文集》等系列。研究杨涟著作流传涉及版本学、校勘学、文献学、印刷史等多方面。 Yang Lian,as a famous minister,remonstrate officer and a member of Donglin Party,was devoted to rescuing the late Ming dynasty.He involved himself into political strifes such as Red Pill Case and Palace Relocating Case to maintain the justice of the palace,but was eventually killed in the fight against Wei Zhongxian,the leader of Eunuch Clique.Yang wrote a number of works,but their editions and circulation are complicated and confusing for the researchers.A detailed sorting-out shows his works are mainly classified into Memoir of Valiant Yang Dahong and other collected works in late Ming,Li Zanyuan’s six volumes of The Collected Works of Valiant Yang Lian,Zhang Boxing’s two volumes of The Collected Works of Yang Dahong as well as Yang Bao’s three volumes,Yang Zhengce’s five volumes,Yang Zuxian’s ten volumes,Pan Xi’en’s five volumes,and Hu Fengdan’s ten volumes of The Collected Works of Valiant Yang Lian.The study of the spread of Yang’s works involves many fields,such as Study of Editions,Textual Criticism,Bibliogrophy and printing history.
作者 寇甲 孙林 KOU Jia;SUN Lin(Editorial Board of Journal of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou University;Lanzhou University Library,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期110-117,共8页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 杨涟 《杨忠烈公文集》 版本流传 Yang Lian The Collected Works of Valiant Yang Lian spread of editions
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