
贫困地区农户金融素质与信贷约束——基于甘肃省辖集中连片特殊困难地区实地调查 被引量:5

Rural Household Financial Literacy and Credit Restraint in Poor Area:Based on the Field Survey of Contiguous Areas with Acute Poverty in Gansu Province
摘要 缓解贫困地区农户信贷约束问题是今后几年我国推进普惠金融发展的重要环节。要提高针对贫困地区农户信贷服务的供给效率和质量,切实解决金融机构不能有效满足贫困地区农户信贷需求的市场失灵问题,必须首先厘清贫困地区农户信贷约束现状、成因及其形成机理,否则金融扶贫相关政策的制定、涉农金融产品的创新,都将失去客观依据而偏离普惠金融发展的基本要求。从金融素质视角出发,参照刘西川提出的信贷约束及其背后信贷配给机制的统一分析框架,考察了贫困地区农户信贷约束问题的成因及其形成机理。研究发现:样本地区农户同时面临供给信贷约束和需求信贷约束,二者背后的信贷配给方式及其形成机理各不相同。其中,金融素质低下是诱发需求信贷约束的根本原因;鉴于样本地区农户中承受需求信贷约束农户所占的比重明显高于供给信贷约束,而自我配给是其被配给出信贷市场最主要的方式,实施差别化金融教育,有针对性对其金融素质进行干预自然是无法回避的治理之策。 Alleviating credit constraints of rural households in poverty-stricken areas is crucial in promoting inclusive finance in China in the next few years.To improve the supply efficiency and quality of credit services for rural households in poverty-stricken areas and solve the problem of market failure that financial institutions cannot efficaciously meet the credit needs of these households,the current situation,causes and formation mechanism of credit constraints for them must be initially clarified.Otherwise,the financial poverty alleviation policies and agricultural financial products innovation will be groundless,deviating from the basic requirements of inclusive finance.From the perspective of financial literacy,the causes and formation mechanisms of the constraints are investigated by referring to the unified analysis framework of credit constraints and credit rationing mechanism put forward by Liu Xichuan.The findings show that the farmers in the sample areas are faced with both supply and demand credit constraints,and the credit rationing methods and forming mechanisms behind the two are different;low financial literacy is the fundamental cause of demand credit constraints;since the proportion of farmers in sample areas who are subject to demand credit constraints is significantly higher than that of supply credit constraints,and self-rationing is the most important way for them to be allocated to credit markets,it is inevitable to implement differentiated financial education and targeted intervention on farmers’financial literacy.
作者 郭学军 杨蕊 刘浏 郭立宏 GUO Xue-jun;YANG Rui;LIU Liu;GUO Li-hong(School of Economic Management,Xi'an University of Technology,Xi'an 710048;School of Economic Management,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050;School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Zhaoqing University,Zhaoqing 526000,Guangdong,China)
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期161-171,共11页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金地区项目(71863023) 甘肃省哲学社会科学规划项目(YB079)
关键词 金融素质 信贷约束 配给机制 普惠金融 农户 甘肃省 连片特殊困难地区 financial literacy credit constraint rationing mechanism inclusive finance rural household Gansu Province contiguous areas with acute poverty
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