

Application of Revit in Complex Engineering Design Projects
摘要 建筑信息化建模(Building Information Modeling,BIM)是建设工程领域的虚拟现实技术。它通过具象的模型承载抽象的信息,模拟建筑的形体、空间、材料、构造、性能等属性,并确保信息可在建筑的全生命周期中,被项目的各参与方共享。Revit是BIM的代表软件之一,在世界范围内被广泛使用。Revit在复杂工程设计项目中可辅助各专业设计人员精细思考,并增强了进度控制与造价管理工作的时效性。 BIM is the abbreviation of Building Information Modeling,which is a virtual realistic technique in construction engineering scope.It simulates building shape,space,material and construction,performance,etc.with a digital model and its attached information,and ensures that the information can be shared among all participants of the project throughout the building life cycle.Revit is one of BIM's representative software and is used worldwide.In complex engineering design projects,Revit can assist design professionals with thoughtful thinking,and keep schedule control and cost management up to date.
作者 曹中玫 CAO Zhong-mei(East China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.of CPECC,Shanghai 200063,China)
出处 《电力勘测设计》 2019年第5期26-30,55,共6页 Electric Power Survey & Design
关键词 建筑信息化建模(BIM) REVIT 信息化协同设计. BIM revit information-based collaborative design
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