

On Conditions to a Realistic Understanding of the EBH Mechanism
摘要 文章澄清了Englert-Brout-Higgs机制(EBH机制,这里理解为一个标量场的集合与一个规范系统和一个费米子系统之间的耦合)的概念基础(即EBH机制由标量场的对称性破缺解和标量场的耦合所诱导的规范系统与费米子系统的对称性破缺解来提供。这个过程在由重组标量区和规范区的物理自由度所导致的具有质量的标量和矢量波色子当中显现出来,而标量区和规范区原本的组织方式则是使标量区的对称性破缺解以及规范区的对称解成为可能的原因);并考察了该机制的本体论地位——它究竟是真实的物理机制,抑或仅仅是一个工具主义的设计。文章主张用标量-矢量矩的共生体这个新的本体论第一性的实体来替代将标量场和矢量(规范)场视作基础物理材料的旧本体论实体,以获得对EBH机制的一个实在论的理解。本文的结论是,戈德斯通模式(Goldstone modes)的动力学特性的转变和共生体中物理自由度重组的固定性这两个谜题必须得到妥善的解决,对EBH机制的协调的实在论理解才能得到发展。 The conceptual foundation of the Englert–Brout–Higgs (EBH) mechanism (understood as a set of a scalar field’s couplings to a gauge system and a fermion system) is clarified(as being provided by broken symmetry solution of the scalar field and broken symmetry solutions of the gauge and fermion systems induced by the scalar field’s couplings to these systems, which are manifested in massive scalar and vector bosons as a result of reorganizing the physical degrees of freedom in the scalar and gauge sectors, whose original organization renders possible the broken symmetry solution to the scalar sector and symmetrical solutions to the gauge sector);its ontological status, as a physically real mechanism or merely an instrumental device, is examined, and a new ontologically primary entity, the symbiont of scalar–vector moments is suggested to replace the old ontology of scalar field and vector (gauge) field as the physical underpinning for a realistic understanding of the EBH mechanism;with a conclusion that two puzzles, the transmutation of the Goldstone modes’ dynamic identity and the fixity in reorganizing the physical degrees of freedom within the symbiont, have to be properly addressed before a consistent realist understanding of the mechanism can be developed.
作者 曹天予 王伟长 CAO Tian-yu;WANG Wei-chang (Translator)(Philosophy Department, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 02215)
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第3期7-20,共14页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
关键词 Englert-Brout-Higgs机制 整体论共生体 动力学特性 实在论 工具主义 The Englert-Brout-Higgs mechanism holistic symbiont dynamic identity realism instrumentalism
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