In order to investigate the emission rate of soil CO2 and its influencing factors under different plant communities in arid saline lakes, four plant communities including Aeluropus pungens, Iris tectorum, Achnatherum splendens, Lycium ruthenicum Murr and abandoned land in Danbancheng Saline Lake were selected. The soil CO2 emission rates, under the five plant communities were measured from April to December, 2016 using the LI-8100 A. Meanwhile, the soil temperature in 5, 10 and 15 cm depth, soil water content and electric conductivity were also measured. Results showed that the diurnal variation of soil CO2 emission rate under Aeluropus pungens showed obvious single peak, the highest emission rate happened in July around 14:00. For other plant communities, the emission rates showed the sing peak in 12:00~14:00 in all months except July during which the emission rates had two peaks in 10:00 and 14:00 to 16:00. There were significant difference in the emission rate between different plant communities and among different months under the same plant community(P<0.001). During the research period, the cumulative soil CO2 emission was highest under Achnatherum splendens(2508.01 g/m^2), followed by abandoned land(2235.01 g/m^2), Iris tectorum(1903.03 g/m^2), Lycium ruthenicum Murr(1690.27 g/m^2), and Aeluropus pungens(550.34 g/m^2). The correlation between soil CO2 emission rate and soil temperature in 15 cm depth under Aeluropus pungens was significant(R^2=0.739, P<0.05), and it was sensitive to the changes of soil temperature in 15 cm depth. Under other plant communities, soil CO2 emission rate have highest correlations with soil temperature in 5 cm depth(R^2=0.708~0.821), indicating they are sensitive to the changes of soil temperature in 5 cm depth.Plant communities had great effect on the temperature sensitive of soil CO2 emission(Q10) with largely ranging from 0.60 to 21.74.Values of Q10 was significantly different from April to December. The greatest Q10 under Aeluropus pungens was found at June(7.97),while the highest values under other plant communities were found at November or December: Iris tectorum(21.74), Achnatherum splendens(13.21), Lycium ruthenicum Murr(18.23) and abandoned land(7.65). Regression analysis results showed that the correlation between the CO2 emission(Cf) and the soil moisture was low, the correlation with soil electric conductivity could be modeled(logeCf=-0.149 EC+0.943). Our result also indicated that salinity was an important factor affecting soil carbon emissions among the saline lake. To conclude, the soil carbon process of the saline lake ecosystem in the arid area and the influence of soil salt content on the carbon emissions of the saline lake ecosystem should not been ignored when considering the carbon budget and carbon cycle of the terrestrial ecosystem.
LI Dian-peng;SUN Tao;YAO Mei-si;LIU Sui-yunhao;JIA Hong-tao(College of Grassland and Environmental Science,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Soil and Plant Ecological Processes,Urumqi 830052,China)
China Environmental Science
Dabancheng Saline Lake
carbon emission
soil salinity
temperature sensitive coefficient(Q10)