

Breeding of Surun 001,a New Fresh-eating Pepper Cultivar with Long Fruit and High Yield
摘要 为适应市场对优质、长果、多抗、专用型的鲜食线椒品种需求,2011年秋以SR1301为父本、SR908为母本选育的杂交一代新品种苏润001,于2018年4月23日获得了农业部非主要农作物品种登记证书,证书编号为(2018)320462。该品种平均株高100 cm,株幅87 cm,鲜椒单果质量24 g,果长32 cm,果宽1.8 cm,肉厚0.2 cm;2018年生产试验前期平均产量为26 553.2 kg/hm^2,比对照8819线椒增产34.5%,总产量为64 918.8 kg/hm^2,比对照8819线椒增产33.3%,产量突出。2015-2018年试验中,苏润001病毒病、疫病、炭疽病平均病情指数依次为3.3、7.1、7.2,比对照8819线椒分别减少24.9%、12.3%、17.0%,适合贵州省春秋保护地及露地高效栽培。 In order to meet the market demand for high-quality, long-fruit, multi-resistant, and special-purposed fresh eating pepper cultivars, this study was carried out to breed the new cultivar Surun 001 of hybrid generation with SR1301 as male parent and SR908 as female parent in the autumn of 2011. Surun 001 received the registration certificate for non-major crop varieties of the Ministry of Agriculture on April 23, 2018, and the certificate number is (2018) 320462. This cultivar is100 cm in average plant height, 87 cm in plant width. The fresh fruit is 24 g in weight, 32 cm in length, 1.8 cm in width, and 0.2 cm in pulp thickness. In 2018, the average output of Surun 001 in the pro-production experiment was 26 553.2 kg per hectare, increasing by 34.5% compared with that of the control 8819 line pepper. And the total output of Surun 001 was 64 918.8 kg per hectare, increasing by 33.3% compared with that of the control 8819 line pepper. In the tests of 2015 to 2018, the average disease index of Surun 001 on virus disease, epidemic disease, and anthrax was 3.3, 7.1 and 7.2, respectively, which decreased by 24.9%, 12.3%, 17.0% compared with that of the control 8819 line pepper, respectively. Comprehensively analyzed, Surun 001 was suitable for spring and autumn protection land and open land cultivation in Guizhou province.
作者 高海涛 高海港 封文雅 陈孝 刘立 宋永森 汪影 庄巧 高海燕 GAO Haitao;GAO Haigang;FENG Wenya;CHEN Xiao;LIU Li;SONG Yongsen;WANG Ying;ZHUANG Qiao;GAO Haiyan(Jiangsu Surun Seed Industry Co.Ltd.,Xuzhou 221000)
出处 《长江蔬菜》 2019年第10期54-56,共3页 Journal of Changjiang Vegetables
关键词 特长果辣椒 特高产辣椒 苏润001 品种选育 Long fruit High yield Surun 001 Breeding
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