
济阳冬小麦减产相关气象因素的分析 被引量:5

The Analysis of Meteorological Factors for the Reduction in the Yield of Winter Wheat in Jiyang
摘要 济南市济阳区2017—2018年度冬小麦减产较多,主要从气象角度分析济阳区冬小麦减产的主要原因,对冬小麦主要发育期与积温、降水、日照等气象条件进行分析,评价气象条件对冬小麦生长和产量的影响。结果表明:2017年冬小麦受阴雨天气影响,播种较最适宜播期晚了1周左右,越冬前积温不足,小于450℃,苗情弱,导致冬小麦抗冻能力差,受冻风险增加,不利于形成冬前壮苗;越冬前降水较常年偏少13.2mm,导致部分麦田受旱,麦苗群体小、分蘖少,苗情差;小麦越冬期间,低温日数较多,≤-10℃的时间为11d,降水量较常年偏少10.6mm,造成小麦晚播弱苗受旱受冻;返青—抽穗期出现低温天气,影响小麦生长,4月上旬的日最低气温0.4℃,处于拔节—孕穗期的冬小麦幼苗和叶片受冻;开花—灌浆期出现了高温、干热风和多雷阵雨天气,不利于冬小麦开花、灌浆和产量的提高。以上因素综合作用使得2018年度冬小麦穗粒数、千粒质量、平均单位面积产量等均较2017年降低。对相关气象因素的分析对于做好防灾减灾、趋利避害、更好地指导当地农业生产具有重要意义。 There was a substantial reduction in the yield of winter wheat in Jiyang area in the growing season between 2017 and 2018.This paper analyzes the main meteorological factors causing the yield reduction.Specifically,the main growth stages of winter wheat and meteorological conditions such as accumulated temperature,precipitation,and sunshine were analyzed to evaluate the influence of meteorological conditions on the growth and yield of winter wheat.The results showed that winter wheat growth was affected by overcast and rainy weather in 2017.The sowing date was delayed about a week compared with the most suitable sowing date.The accumulated temperature before overwintering was insufficient,less than 450℃,and the growth state of seedlings was weak,which led to poor frost resistance and increased risk of freezing,being unfavorable for the formation of strong seedlings before winter.Before overwintering,the precipitation was 13.2 mm less than that of the normal year,resulting in drought in some wheat fields,small wheat seedling populations,low numbers of tillers,and poor seedling growth state.During the overwintering period of wheat,the number of low-temperature days was large,with 11 days≤-10℃,and precipitation was 10.6 mm less than that of the normal year,causing the weak seedlings of late-sown wheat to suffer from drought and freezing.Low temperature weather during the turning green-heading stage also affected wheat growth;the daily minimum temperature in early April was 0.4℃,so winter wheat seedlings,especially their leaves,at jointing and booting stages suffered from freezing.Moreover,high temperature,dry hot wind,and thunderstorms occurred during flowering and grain-filling stages,which was unfavorable for flowering,grain filling,and increasing the yield of winter wheat.The above factors collectively caused reductions in the number of grains per spike,1000-grain weight,and average unit yield of winter in 2018 compared with their counterparts in 2017.The analysis of meteorological factors causing the yield reduction of winter wheat is of great significance for disaster prevention and mitigation,profit augmentation and harm avoidance,and better guidance of local agricultural production.
作者 张有菊 张春 赵玉翠 王华 ZHANG You-ju;ZHANG Chun;ZHAO Yu-cui;WANG Hua(Meteorological Bureau of Jiyang District,Jinan 251400,China)
出处 《大麦与谷类科学》 2019年第2期47-51,共5页 Barley and Cereal Sciences
关键词 冬小麦 气象因素 产量 济阳 Winter wheat Meteorological factors Yield reduction Jiyang
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