
弘扬五四精神 增强新时代大学生团员的先进性 被引量:3

Carrying Forward the May Forth Spirit and Strengthening the Progressiveness of League Members in Colleges in the New Age
摘要 增强大学生团员先进性是新时代推进全面从严治团的重要任务。五四精神是五四爱国主义运动留给新时代青年的文化基因,也是增强新时代大学生团员先进性的精神武器。高校以纪念五四运动100周年为契机弘扬五四精神,旨在让大学生团员传承并发扬五四精神,为永葆共青团员的先进性注入强大精神动力。弘扬五四精神增强新时代大学生团员先进性,要不断丰富五四精神的时代内涵,赋予五四精神新的时代特征;将弘扬五四精神全方位融入高校共青团育人工作格局;开展大学生团员践行五四精神的专题教育和实践活动;借助现代科技手段,创新五四精神宣传和教育载体。 To maintain and enhance the progressiveness of league members in colleges is an important part of seeing Communist Youth League self-governance exercised fully and with rigor in the new age.The May 4th spirit is the cultural gene left by the May 4th patriotic movement to the youth in the new age, and it is also the spiritual weapon to enhance the progressiveness of league members in colleges in the new age. Colleges and universities take the opportunity of commemorating the 100th anniversary of the May Forth Movement to carry forward the May 4th spirit, so as to make college students league members inherit and carry forward the May 4th spirit, and inject strong spiritual power into maintaining the progressiveness of the Communist Youth league members. To enhance the progressiveness of league members in colleges in the new age with the May 4th spirit, we should constantly enrich the epoch connotation of the May 4th spirit and endow it with new time characteristics;carry forward the May 4th spirit and integrate it into the education pattern of the Communist Youth League of colleges and universities;carry out special education and practical activities for league members in colleges to practice the May 4th spirit;innovate propaganda and education carrier of the May 4th spirit with the help of modern scientific and technological means.
作者 于瑶 YU Yao(School of Politics and Public Administration,Shandong Youth University of Political Science,Jinan 250103,China;School of Marxism,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China)
出处 《山东青年政治学院学报》 2019年第3期33-39,共7页 Journal of Shandong Youth University of Political Science
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(干部政德教育研究专项)"新时代党员干部政德观培育研究"(18CZDJ23)
关键词 五四精神 大学生团员 先进性 the May 4th spirit league members in colleges progressiveness
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