

The Cultural Expression and Social Interaction of Gentry Local Writing in Early Republic of China-Take Dantu County as an Example
摘要 民国《续丹徒县志》是基于《光绪丹徒县志》和《丹徒县志摭余》编纂的。三部方志的编纂从书写者到文本体例、内容,都具有相当的延续性。从政府修志的法令,看到由中央下达到省再下达到县、乡的修志命令,并由志书的凡例和各级通志局颁布的纂修条例、征访原则看到比较完整的纂修过程。于此同时,还有相关人员的回忆录、日记等资料,对修志过程的细节作出补充。本文即尝试论述在新的政治秩序下,方志文本建构在意识层面上表达了书写者的政治认同,通过对“过去”的叙述,展现了特定人群对地域社会的理解。在社会层面上,书写群体结构性的变动中,士绅的流动性和参与性明显增强,他们越发积极地进行对地方社会历史的解读。他们藉由其在地方社会掌握的话语权力扩大这一历史叙事和区域认同的影响范围同时作为地方政治势力群体,其本身即由此被更高一阶的区域政治群体所统合,被不断纳入到层级性的社会结构中去,在新的政治、文化秩序中重新被定位。 The Republic of China“Dantu County"is based on“Dantu County of Cuangxu County"and“Dantu County".The compilation of the three chronicles from the writers to the text system,content,have a considerable continuity.From the government’s decree,see from the central down to the province and then down to the county,township revision order,and by the records of the case and the various levels of the promulgation of the compilation of regulations,the principle of consultation to see a more complete compilation process.At the same time,there are relevant personnel memoirs,diaries and other information,to repair the details of the Zhi added.This paper attempts to discuss the political identity of local writers under the new political order.The narration of"the past"shows the understanding of the local comnuinitv.At the social level,the mobility of the gentry and the participation of the gentry were significantly enhanced in the structural changes of the writing groups,and they became more active in interpreting the local social history.They broadened the scope of this historical narrative and regional identity by their discursive power at the local level as a group of local political forces,which in turn were integrated by the higher-order regional political groups and increasingly incorporated into hierarchical of the social structure,in the new political and cultural order re-positioning.
作者 王雨舟 Wang Yuzhou
出处 《上海地方志》 2016年第4期27-38,94,95,共14页 Shanghai Chronicles
关键词 地方志 社会 文化 秩序 认同 local history society culture order identity
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