In 2018,the Thai military government lifted the ban on some political activities and accelerated the pace of paving the way for election,but again postponed the national elections scheduled for this year.Gross domestic product(GDP)grew by 4.1%in the whole year,and the economy declined significantly in the third quarter due to the impact of export and tourism.The results of strategic cooperation with China’s leading e-commerce companies are encouraging.The capsizing accident of Phuket cruise ship has aroused wild attention of all parties,resulting in a year-on-year decrease in the number of tourists.In 2018,on the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN strategic partnership,Sino-Thai relations have maintained a good momentum of development.Thailand has resumed friendly exchanges with European and American countries and attached great importance to the development of Peripheral Diplomacy and regional cooperation.2019 is Thailand’s“Election Year”,and taking over the rotating chairmanship of ASEAN will also have a positive and far-reaching impact on Thailand’s diplomatic relations.GDP growth is expected to be around 4%in 2019.To create a“Golden Year of Investment”,Thailand will introduce favorable policies to attract foreign investment and implement major investment projects in the Eastern Economic Corridor.
Tang Hui;Chen Hongsheng
Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies