
儒家“仁爱”思想辨析及其对青少年友善观培育的借鉴 被引量:2

Analysis of the Confucian “Benevolence” Thought and Its Enlightenment to Cultivating Youth’s View of Friendliness
摘要 友善是青少年应该具有的基本道德素养和个人品质,对友善观的接受与践行状况直接关乎青少年个人的健康成长,关乎国家和社会的发展前景。儒家“仁爱”思想中“仁者爱人”的道德情感以及“为仁由己”“忠恕之道”“重信之道”“义利之道”等推己及人的“行仁之方”可以为青少年友善观的培育提供重要的理论借鉴:以“仁者爱人”培养青少年的道德情感,以“为仁由己”培养青少年坚定的信念和积极践行的行为,以“忠恕之道”引导青少年构建和谐人际关系,以“重信之道”构建青少年的诚信品质,以“义利之道”提升青少年的社会责任意识。 Friendliness is the basic moral accomplishment and personal quality that young people should have. How well the view of friendliness is accepted and put into practice is directly related to the healthy growth of individuals and the development prospects of the country and the society. In the Confucian“benevolence”thought,the“loving others”sense of moral and the approach of being“benevolent,forgiving,faithful,righteous,and considerable”can be a theoretical guidance to cultivating young people’s view of friendliness.“Loving others”cultivates their sense of moral,“benevolence”helps them to establish firm beliefs and actually love others,“forgiveness” guides them in building harmonious interpersonal relationships;“faithfulness”builds up their integrity,and“consideration”raises their awareness of social responsibility.
作者 伏菲凌 FU Feiling
出处 《江汉大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第3期91-102,128,共13页 Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)
基金 四川省南充市社会科学研究“十三五”规划立项课题(NC2018B005)
关键词 儒家 青少年 友善观 Confucianism youth view of friendliness
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  • 1Franqois Jullien, Detour and Access : Strategies of Meaning in China and Greece, Cambridge, Zone Books, 2000,p118.
  • 2Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucauh , Berkeley, Univer- sity of California Press, 2000, p38 o.
  • 3Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault, p38 o.
  • 4Laurence Lampert , "Socrates' Defense of Polytropic Odysseus: Lying and Wrong-doing in Plato's Lesser Hippias , " The Review of Politics ( 2002 ), 64 : pp 231-260.
  • 5Louise Pratt, Lying and Poetry from Homer to Pindar : Falsehood and Deception in Archaic Greek Poet- ics, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1993,p8.
  • 6Hesiod, Theogony, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp27-28.
  • 7Roger Ames and David Hall, Thinking through Confucius, State University of New York Press, 1987, p177.
  • 8Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault,, p36.
  • 9Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault, p34.
  • 10Jacques Derrida, "History of the Lie: Prolegomena," Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2 -Vo. 1 20, No. 1 (1997), pp129-61.










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