奥斯特公园建于1891年,正值19世纪阿姆斯特丹市扩张时期,是政府在当时建造的第一个大型公园。景观设计师Leonard Springer采用英式的古典景观风格来定义城市公园,公园中配有纪念性景观及树木、蜿蜒曲折的小径和—个大池塘。之前,奥斯特公园北部是一些公共场所,如校园建筑 Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen 和纪念性建筑Tropenmuseum 等。
The Oosterpark, built in 1891, is part of the Amsterdam 19th century extension girdle, and is the first large public park that was realised by the municipality. Landscape architect Leonard Springer designed a classic English Iandscape style city park with monu mental trees, mean dering lines and a large water pond. Traditionally, the Oosterpark has been flanked by public functions like the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, university buildings and the Tropenmuseum - monumental buildings that are located in the northern zone.
Landscape Design