
半导体探测器封前外观自动光学检验系统研究 被引量:3

Study on Automatic Optical Inspection System of Semiconductor Detector before Sealing
摘要 同轴晶体管外形(TO)封装的半导体探测器年出货量高达千万只,其质量控制与检测是非常重要的。传统的人工借助显微镜的目视检验因受主观判断和视觉疲劳影响,误检率和漏检率较高。为了解决此问题,文章提出了一种适用于同轴型半导体探测器封前外观自动光学检验(AOI)的方案,运用视觉检测将合格品和不合格品自动识别并分拣,引入景深合成技术实现线弧的高度检测。样机测试结果表明,所提方案具备良好的检测适应性和较低的误检率,适合生产线批量检测任务,可以取代人工目视检验。 The annual shipment of semiconductor detectors of the coaxis Transistor Outline (TO) packaging type is as high as tens of millions. Therefore, the quality control and testing are very important. Traditional manual visual inspection with microscope has a high rate of false detection and missed detection because of the influence of subjective judgment and visual fatigue. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) scheme for the appearance of coaxial semiconductor detectors. The visual inspection is used to automatically identify and classify qualified products and non-conforming products. The depth of field synthesis technique is used for the height detection of wire arcs. The test results of the prototype show that the proposed scheme has good detection adaptability and low false detection rate, which is suitable for batch inspection task of production line and can replace manual visual inspection.
作者 梁师国 曾志红 陈晓莉 何俊 梁飞 张颉 罗勇 LIANG Shi-guo;ZENG Zhi-hong;CHEN Xiao-li;HE Jun;LIANG Fei;ZHANG Jie;LUO Yong(Accelink Technology Co., Ltd.,Wuhan 430205,China;Wen Hua College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2019年第3期47-52,共6页 Study on Optical Communications
基金 工信部智能制造综合标准化与新模式应用资助项目(WBS2018B0026)
关键词 同轴晶体管外形半导体探测器 视觉检测 景深合成 自动光学检验 coaxial TO semiconductor detector visual detection field depth synthesis AOI
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