没有一门艺术,像歌剧这样耗费昂贵,既有深厚的传统需要尊重,又需要在舞台上与时俱进、不断尝试新的创意,同时还不得不面对21 世纪的诸多挑战。“当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局”,诚然如是。在歌剧的发祥地,意大利的歌剧事业面临公共资金缺乏、剧院修缮管理压力加大、观众群体结构性失衡、人才队伍后继乏力等诸多问题,中小剧院凋零的趋势日益明显。
Among all the performing arts genres, opera is the most expensive, requiring a deep respect for tradition, yet also keeping up with innovation, in addition to many challenges of the 21 st century. A century ago, people saw the rise of opera in America, and now we witness the rise of opera in China. Taking note of the latest trends in the world’s leading theaters can help us better understand the dynamics of the international opera world.