
FRAX~?评估广州社区中老年人群骨折风险的回顾性研究 被引量:4

A retrospective study of FRAX in predicting the fracture risk of senile people in Guangzhou community
摘要 目的应用FRAX~?工具评估广州社区中老年人发生骨质疏松性骨折的风险。方法回顾性研究1 140例广州社区中老年人的临床资料,应用FRAX~?工具计算未来10年发生主要骨质疏松性骨折及髋部骨折的风险,分析不同危险因素与骨折风险的关系。结果广州社区中老年人群10年内发生主要骨质疏松性骨折概率为(4.2±3.6)%,髋部骨折概率为(1.3±2.4)%。主要骨质疏松性骨折风险及髋部骨折风险、OSTA值均随着年龄增长而增加。多因素回归分析结果显示:年龄、性别、既往骨折、继发性骨质疏松、股骨颈T值、跌倒对主要部位骨折及髋部骨折风险具有独立性预测意义。结论 FRAX~?工具可用于评估广州社区中老年人骨质疏松性骨折风险,建议在社区中老年人健康体检时应用FRAX~?工具进行骨折风险评估。 Objective To predict the osteoporotic fracture risk in senile people in Guangzhou communities by FRAX,the fracture risk assessment tool published by WHO. Methods Clinical data of 1140 cases were collected for the retrospective analysis. The FRAX tool was uesed to calculate the 10-year probability of a major osteoporotic and hip fracture.The relationship between different risk factors and the fracture risk predicted by FRAX was analyzed. Results The 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fractures was (4.2±3.6)%,and the 10-year probability of hip fractures was (1.3±2.4)%.The 10-year probability of the major osteoporotic and hip fracture increased with age.Multivariate regression analysis showed that age,gender,previous fracture,secondary osteoporosis,T-score of femoral neck BMD and fall were independent predictors of the 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture. Conclusion The FRAX tool may be effectively applied to assess the fracture risk of senile population in Guangzhou communities.We recommedated that FRAX-tool should be included in routine health check-up.
作者 陈巧聪 楼慧玲 彭程 袁辉辉 CHEN Qiaocong;LOU Huiling;PENG Cheng;YUAN Huihui(Department of Geriatrics,Guangzhou First People s Hospital,Guangzhou 510180,China)
出处 《广州医药》 2019年第3期18-22,共5页 Guangzhou Medical Journal
基金 广州市医药卫生科技项目(20171A011247) 广州市医药卫生科技项目(20181A011008)
关键词 骨质疏松症 骨折 FRAX 危险因素 Osteoporosis Fracture Fracture risk assessment tool FRAX Risk factors
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