

“It was either Outing or Guoxing”——An Analysis of the Different Attitudes of People in Eastern Guangdong towards Zheng Chenggong
摘要 郑成功在以闽粵为舞台进行反清复明斗争期间,与澄海县鸥汀寨有一段瓜葛。鸥汀乡勇多次袭击郑成功部队的筹粮船而生积怨,以致鸥汀背寨被攻破毁平,大量乡民被惨杀。鸥汀背寨事件给鸥汀人造成的历史创伤和心理创伤是相当严重的,历史上留下了"有囯姓,无鸥汀;有鸥汀,无囯姓"的俗语。在郑军以闽粵为根据地完成收复台湾的伟大历史进程中,尽管有了鸥汀背寨事件,但这只是郑军收复台湾伟业主流中的一个支流,郑成功收复台湾的历史功绩是不可磨灭的,他仍然是伟大的民族英雄。粵东士民对郑军有积怨,也有颂扬、感恩,态度多元,但总体来说,粤东人民对郑军的支持是巨大的,表现在:从人力上支持,使郑军有了源源不断的兵源补给;从粮草上支持,使粤东成为郑军可靠的后勤基地和战略大后方;从智力上支持,协助郑军治理、开发台湾。 During his fight of rebelling Qing dynasty and rebuilding Ming dynasty in Fujian and Guangdong,Zheng Chenggong had an entanglement with Outing Village,Chenghai County.The villagers there attacked the grain ships of his troop multiple times,causing them to develop resentment.As a result,the village was breached and destroyed,and a large number of villagers were killed.The massacre has left the villagers traumatized historically and psychologically.Hence the saying,It was either"Outing or Guoxing(a nickname for Zheng Chenggong)."In the great historical process of Zheng's recovery of Taiwan based on Fujian and Guangdong provinces,despite the Outing massacre,Zheng was still a great national hero with indelible historical achievements.People in Eastern Guangdong held different attitudes towards Zheng's troop,some of whom were resentful,and some of whom were praiseful and grateful. But,on the whole,they offered enormous support to Zheng's troop,including continuous manpower supply to the troop,reliable food supply to the logistic base and strategic rear,and intellectual support to assist Zheng's troop in governing and developing Taiwan.
作者 陈汉初 CHEN Han-chu(Research Institute of Culture and History of People's Government of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510030)
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2019年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
关键词 鸥汀寨 郑成功 态度多元 民族英雄 Outing Village Zheng Chenggong varied attitudes national hero
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