
Robust current and speed control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor using SMC and ADRC 被引量:3

摘要 A second-order ordinary differential equation model is originally constructed for the phase q current system of a permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM).The phase q current model contains the effect of a counter electromotive force(CEMF),which introduces nonlinearity to the system.In order to compensate the nonlinearity and system uncertainties,a traditional sliding mode controller(SMC)combined with a low-pass filter(also known as a modified SMC)is designed on the phase q current model.The low-pass filter overcomes chattering effects in control efforts,and hence improves the performance of the controller.The phase q current control system is proved to be stable using Lyapunov approach.In addition,an alternative activedisturbance rejection controller(ADRC)with a reduced-order extended state observer(ESO)is applied to control the speed output of PMSM.Both SMC and ADRC are simulated on the PMSM system.The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of these two controllers in successfully driving the current and speed outputs to desired values despite load disturbances and system uncertainties.
出处 《Control Theory and Technology》 EI CSCD 2019年第2期190-199,共10页 控制理论与技术(英文版)
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