

On the Cultural Origins of Shen Congwen’s “Abstract” Creation in the 1940s
摘要 1940年代,沈从文的创作呈现出抽象、晦涩的特征。这一转变除了深受西方现代派影响外,还潜隐着中国传统文化的某些因素。沈从文从爱欲中体验到神性的观点,与巫文化传统有着深远联系;他对“美”的理解,继承且发展了巫文化中的“泛神情感”、道家“齐物论”思想;他对“爱”的阐释,受到道、佛思想中的“无我”观、佛家悲悯气质的影响。可以说,沈从文是在固有的传统基础上去融会西方现代文化资源,最终形成自己独特的神性思想。 In the 1940s, Shen Congwen's creation showed abstract feature. In addition to being influenced by Western modernism, it was also caused by some elements of Chinese traditional culture. Shen Congwen s understanding that the divinity can be sensed from the eros had the profound connections with the witch culture;His understanding of "beauty" inherited and developed the "pantheism" of the witch culture and "Qi Wu Lun" of Taoist. His interpretation of “love" was influenced by the concept of "anatta" of Taoist as well as Buddha,and merciful spirit of Buddhism. Based on the inherited tradition, Shen Congwen integrated modem western culture and formed his unique divinity thought.
作者 张森 ZHANG Sen(College of Liberal Arts,Hunan Normal Universityy Changsha,Hunan 410081)
出处 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期149-155,共7页 Research of Chinese Literature
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目“沈从文生命诗学研究”(11YBB270)
关键词 沈从文 “抽象”写作 巫文化 道家 佛家 Shen Congwen "Abstract" creation Witch Culture Taoism Buddhism
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