长期以来,理论界与实务界围绕现行法律规定及相关司法解释,对检验期间和通知期间的概念界定莫衷一是,相关规则与实践做法存在冲突。出于对买卖双方利益平衡的考量,检验期间和通知期间必须从概念内涵与外延上被完全地剥离和界清。严格按照《合同法》第1 58条的立法表述来确定通知期间的种类。出台司法解释对《合同法》第1 58条第1款进行扩张解释,并区别对待通知期间和买受人瑕疵权利请求权行使期间,解决约定检验期将与通知期间重叠的问题,避免在实务中产生错误的适用指导。同时,有必要明确买卖双方同时约定检验期间和质量保证期时的效力顺序及法律后果。
For a long time, the theoretical and practical circles have focused on the definition of concepts during the inspection period and the notice period, and there are conflicts between the relevant rules and the practice.Due to the consideration of the balance of interests between buyers and sellers, the inspection period and the notice period must be completely stripped and defined from the concept connotation and extension.The type of notice period is determined in strict accordance with the legislative expression of Article 158 of the Contract Law.Introduce judicial interpretation to expand the interpretation of Article 158, paragraph 1 of the Contract Law, and treat the period of notification and the period of exercise of the right of claim of the buyer and the right to resolve the problem that the agreed inspection period will overlap with the notice period,avoiding the practice.Appropriate guidance that produces errors.At the same time,it is necessary to clarify the order of effectiveness and legal consequences of the buyer and the seller at the same time agreeing on the inspection period and the quality assurance period.
Theory Horizon
inspection period
period of notification
legal concepts
defining criteria
defining methods