
废石粗骨料充填料浆管道自流充填技术应用研究 被引量:4

Application Study on Self-flow Filling Technology in Pipeline Filling with Waste Coarse Aggregate
摘要 针对金川镍矿采用棒磨砂和水泥充填材料充填成本高和棒磨砂供不应求的问题,开展了废石粗骨料以及废石-棒磨砂混合粗骨料高浓度料浆管道自流充填技术研究.首先分析了-5mm棒磨砂粒径级配及充填料浆问题,然后开展了-10mm和-12mm两种粒径废石粗骨料胶结充填体强度试验.结果表明:-10mm粒径废石粗骨料充填料浆质量分数82%和水泥添加量280kg/m3时,废石胶结充填体3,7,28d强度分别达到1.5,2.6,4.8MPa,基本满足金川矿山充填体强度要求.通过不同配比的废石-棒磨砂混合骨料堆积密实度试验,确定了废石与棒磨砂比值范围为5∶5至6∶4为合理配比范围.在此基础上,开展了5∶5和6∶4两种配比的废石-棒磨砂混合骨料胶结充填体强度试验.结合高浓度料浆流态特性研究,确定了水泥用量280kg/m3,料浆质量分数≥82%,废石与棒磨砂配比在5∶5至6∶4范围内,混合骨料胶结充填体强度满足金川矿山充填体强度和管道自流长距离输送要求.该充填技术已在金川龙首矿工业化应用,充填废石6.073×105t,节约充填成本1.42792×107元,获得显著的经济效益和社会效益. Aiming at the problems of high filling cost and short supply of bar grinding and cement filling materials in Jinchuan Nickel Mine,the filling technology of waste rock coarse aggregate and high concentration slurry with waste rock and bar grinding was studied.Firstly,the grinding particle size gradation and filling slurry of -5 mm bar were analyzed;Then,strength tests of -10 mm and -12 mm coarse aggregate cemented backfill with waste rock were carried out.The results show that when the slurry concentration of waste rock coarse aggregate with particle size of -10 mm is 82% and cement is added with 280 kg/m 3,the strength of waste rock consolidated backfill at 3 d,7 d and 28 d reaches 1.5 MPa,2.6 MPa and 4.8 MPa respectively,which basically meets the backfill strength requirements of Jinchuan mine.According to the test on the compactness of waste rock-bar grinding aggregate accumulation with different proportion,the reasonable proportion range of waste rock:bar grinding=5∶5~6∶4 was determined.On this basis,the strength test of waste rock-bar grinding aggregate cemented backfill with 5∶5 and 6∶4 ratios was carried out.Combined with the study on the flow characteristics of high-concentration slurry,the cement consumption was determined at 280 kg/m 3,the slurry mass concentration was 82%,the proportion of waste rock and bar grinding was within the range of 5∶5~6∶4,and the strength of the cemented backfill with mixed aggregate met the requirements of backfill strength in Jinchuan mine and long-distance pipeline self-flow transportation.The filling technology has been industrialized in Longshou Coal Mine of Jinchuan.It fills 607,300 tons of waste rock,saving filling cost by 14,279,200 yuan,and achieves remarkable economic and social benefits.
作者 王永定 何建元 高谦 WANG Yongding;HE Jianyuan;GAO Qian(Longshou Mine,Jinchuan Group Co.,Ltd.,Jinchang 737100,China;Beijing University of Science and Technology,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第2期86-92,共7页 Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目(2017YFC06022903)
关键词 废石粗骨料 高浓度 自流输送 抗压强度 工业化应用 waste stone coarse aggregate high concentration self-conveying compressive strength industrial application
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