
国际移民汇款的动机与宏观影响因素——基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板分析 被引量:1

The Motivation of International Migrant Remittances and Its Macroeconomic Determinants
摘要 论文利用83个发展中国家2004—2016年间的国际移民汇款数据,基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板分析,考察了国际移民汇款的动机及其宏观决定因素。研究表明,整体而言国际移民汇款呈现出利己主义的动机,母国的政府治理水平、开放程度也会显著影响移民汇款的规模;移民汇款的动机随着母国经济发展水平的不同阶段呈现出非线性特征:当母国实际人均GDP处于较低水平值时,移民汇款才表现为利他主义的动机,而当该水平超过门阀值之后,利他主义动机不再占据主导地位。同时,移民汇款成本的削减对母国移民汇款数量的提升也存在非线性特征。 Analyzing data on international migrant remittances drawn from 83 developing countries between 2004 and 2016,this paper presents an empirical study of motivation of international migrant remittances and macroeconomic factors that influence migrant remittances.The first result shows that in general all remittances tend to be motivated by self-interest.More open home countries under better government administration tend to receive a larger amount of remittances.Secondly,the motivation for migrant remittances changes along with GDP levels in home countries.When the GDP per capita of a home country is lower than the threshold level,altruism is the main reason for remittances;whereas selfinterest becomes the main reason when the GDP per capita is over the threshold level.Lastly,there is a diminishing effect of lower cost of remittance on remittance inflow with the increase of GDP per capita in home countries.
作者 卢晨 胡恒昌 LU Chen;HU Heng-chang(School of International Business,Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College,Zhangzhou 363105,China;School of Economics,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2019年第2期1-11,共11页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
基金 2015年福建省高校杰出青年科研人才计划(编号:FJ201500729)之阶段性成果
关键词 国际移民 国际经济 移民汇款 侨汇研究 international migration global economy migrant remittances
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