
肌肉力量的神经生物力学基础及诊断 被引量:23

Neuromechanical Basis of Muscular Strength and Its Diagnosis
摘要 归纳肌力训练、肌力诊断及与之有关的神经肌肉控制方面的研究成果,从神经生物力学层面分析最大力量、快速力量和肌耐力3种肌力形式的主要特征,并根据神经肌肉系统对训练的适应性原理,解释肌力发展的一般规律。认为:3种肌力形式的训练均遵循神经肌肉适应性原理,在增加肌肉维度的同时,运动员应注重训练自身肌肉间的协调和神经支配能力;教练员和运动员应将肌力诊断始终贯穿于肌力训练之中,完善训练计划,提高训练效率。 This study summarized the previous researches on strength training and diagnosis relating to neuromuscular control,and aimed to explore the features of maximal strength,speed strength and muscular endurance based on the neuromechanics.It holds that the development of strength and strength training should follow the principles of neuromuscular adaptation.At the same time of muscle increase,athletes should attach importance to the coordination innate muscles and neuromuscular control capability.Muscle strength diagnosis should go through the whole muscle training practice by coaches and athletes.In addition,training plan should be completed to improve the muscle strength training effect.
作者 卢志泉 夏正亮 李玉章 史芙英 刘宇 LU Zhiquan;XIA Zhengliang;LI Yuzhang;SHI Fuying;LIU Yu(School of Physical Education and Training,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;School of Kinesiology,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
出处 《上海体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期113-120,126,共9页 Journal of Shanghai University of Sport
关键词 肌肉力量 神经生物力学 最大力量 快速力量 肌耐力 神经动作控制 muscle strength neuromechanics maximal strength speed strength muscle endurance neuromuscular control
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