
基于遗传算法的工程项目资源配置优化 被引量:1

Optimization of project resource allocation based on genetic algorithms
摘要 基于遗传算法的基本原理,采用约束优化问题求解方法和修复算子来优化工程项目的资源。通过实例验证,在解决工程项目施工网络计划资源配置优化问题上,采用带有修复算子的遗传算法可让资源使用更加均衡,带来更大效益,带修复算子的遗传算法在解决工程项目资源配置优化问题上具有很大的优势。 Based on the basic principle of genetic algorithm, this paper adopts the constrained optimization problem solving method and repair operator to optimize the resources of engineering projects. Through the example verification, the genetic algorithm with repair operator can make the use of resources more balanced and bring greater benefits in solving the optimization problem of project construction network planning resource allocation. It can be seen that the genetic algorithm with repair operator has great advantages in solving the optimization problem of project resource allocation.
作者 李紫微 丁超 LI Zi-wei;DING Chao(School of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou 014000, China)
出处 《河南城建学院学报》 CAS 2019年第2期80-84,共5页 Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(多目标优化导向的内蒙古西部草原民居被动式超低能耗建筑营造策略研究[51768053])
关键词 网络计划 资源优化 遗传算法 修复算子 network planning resource optimization genetic algorithms repair operator
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