[Purpose/Significance]Currently, the Indo-Pacific region is the focus of national security strategy of the United States. The cooperation on space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance among the United States and its Indo-Pacific Allies is not only an important means to improve U.S. military capabilities in space, but also a strategic way for U.S. to adjust the Indo-Pacific alliance system and contain China’s rise. The research on this issue will help to discover the characteristics and trends of current U.S. space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and provides foundation for China to respond and learn from.[Method/Process]This paper explores the motivations for the cooperation on space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance among the U.S. and its Indo-Pacific allies, analyzes the measures for the cooperation from the perspective of mechanism construction, equipment construction, and operational practice, and summarizes the characteristics and trends of the cooperation.[Result/Conclusion]The purposes of the cooperation are to adjust the relationship inside the Indo-Pacific alliance, integrate the resources of the Indo-Pacific allies, and contain competitors in this region. The main measures include establishing intelligence sharing mechanisms, conducting intellectual equipment cooperation, and conducting joint space wargames. It shows that the cooperation is transiting from bilateral to multilateral, from the sharing of intelligence products to the co-construction of intelligence systems, and from the general response to regional disputes to the specific containment of China.
Gao Yangyuxi(Information Engineering University,Luoyang Campus, Luoyang 471003)
Journal of Intelligence
the United States
the space-based intelligence
the Indo-Pacific allies
intelligence sharing