
美国与印太盟国的天基情报监视侦察合作研究 被引量:2

On the Cooperation of the Space-based Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance among the United States and Its Indo-Pacific Allies
摘要 [目的/意义]印太地区是美国当前国家安全战略的重心。美国与印太盟国的天基情报监视侦察既是提高其太空军事能力的重要手段,也是美国调整印太联盟体系、遏制中国崛起的战略途径。对这一问题的研究有助于发现当前美国天基情报监视侦察能力的发展特点和趋势,为中国的应对和借鉴提供参考。[方法/过程]通过探究美国与印太盟国开展天基情报监视侦察合作的动因,从机制构建、装备建设、作战演练三方面分析其进行合作的具体措施,发现其合作的特点与趋势。[结果/结论]美国与印太盟国开展天基情报监视侦察合作的目的是调整印太联盟关系、整合印太联盟资源,以及重点遏制印太地区的大国竞争对手。主要途径包括确立情报共享机制、进行情报装备合作以及开展太空联合演习。呈现出从盟国双边合作向多边合作转变、从情报成果共享向情报系统共建转变、从应对地区争端向集中遏制中国转变的特点和趋势。 [Purpose/Significance]Currently, the Indo-Pacific region is the focus of national security strategy of the United States. The cooperation on space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance among the United States and its Indo-Pacific Allies is not only an important means to improve U.S. military capabilities in space, but also a strategic way for U.S. to adjust the Indo-Pacific alliance system and contain China’s rise. The research on this issue will help to discover the characteristics and trends of current U.S. space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and provides foundation for China to respond and learn from.[Method/Process]This paper explores the motivations for the cooperation on space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance among the U.S. and its Indo-Pacific allies, analyzes the measures for the cooperation from the perspective of mechanism construction, equipment construction, and operational practice, and summarizes the characteristics and trends of the cooperation.[Result/Conclusion]The purposes of the cooperation are to adjust the relationship inside the Indo-Pacific alliance, integrate the resources of the Indo-Pacific allies, and contain competitors in this region. The main measures include establishing intelligence sharing mechanisms, conducting intellectual equipment cooperation, and conducting joint space wargames. It shows that the cooperation is transiting from bilateral to multilateral, from the sharing of intelligence products to the co-construction of intelligence systems, and from the general response to regional disputes to the specific containment of China.
作者 高杨予兮 Gao Yangyuxi(Information Engineering University,Luoyang Campus, Luoyang 471003)
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期7-12,29,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
关键词 美国 天基情报监视侦察 印太盟国 情报共享 the United States the space-based intelligence the Indo-Pacific allies intelligence sharing
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