
从“天人之分”到“天人合一”——荀子的生态伦理观新论 被引量:6

From “Separation of Man and Heaven” to “Unity of Man and Heaven”——A New Discussion on Xunzi’s Ecological Ethics
摘要 在批判继承儒道两家天人观思想的同时,荀子又提出要从"天人之分"的视角来重新定义人与自然既相互独立,又相互融通的存在关系,这不仅动摇了中国传统浑融一体的"天人合一"的哲学基础,还在新的历史语境当中使主体的自我意识和能动作用得以伸张和重构。在荀子看来,人作为具有本能欲望和精神意识的生命个体,始终离不开"礼义"之道的规范与指导,更离不开天地万物的持养与供给,人与自然之间存在着一种新型的生态伦理关系。易言之,荀子的"天人之分"思想并不是对"天人合一"传统观念的简单否定,而是通过对人与自然之间"和谐意识"、"整体意识"、"平等意识"的深入探寻,以期达到更高层次的"人与天地相参"的生态伦理目标。 While criticizing and inheriting Confucianism and Taoism,Xunzi proposed to redefine the relationship between man and nature from the perspective of "the separation of man and heaven",in which man and heaven are independent but mutually compatible.This not only shakes the traditional philosophical foundation of "the unity of man and heaven",but also makes the subject in the new historical context where the self-consciousness and dynamic function can be extended and reconstructed.In Xunzi's view,as an individual with instinctive desire and spiritual consciousness,human being is always inseparable from the norms and guidance of "etiquette",and the support and supply of the nature,that is to say,there is a new ecological ethical relationship between man and nature.In other words,Xunzi's thought of "the separation of man and heaven" is not a simple denial of the traditional concept of "the unity of man and heaven",but achieves a higher ecological ethical goal of "harmony between man and heaven and earth" through deeper exploration of "harmony consciousness","whole consciousness" and "equal consciousness" between man and nature.
作者 王中栋 WANG Zhong-dong(Department of Chinese Language,East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241)
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2019年第3期18-25,126,共9页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
关键词 荀子 天人之分 主体性 生态伦理观 Xunzi Separation of nature and human Subjectivity Ecological ethics
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