
辽宁省马术俱乐部盈利模式研究 被引量:1

Research on Profit Model of Equestrian Clubs in Liaoning Province
摘要 通过对马术俱乐部及其盈利模式等相关概念的分析,将目前中国马术俱乐部定义为集骑乘教学、参与和组织比赛、繁育及调教马匹、提供餐饮及休闲服务和相关产品销售等为主要经营项目的机构。运用调研数据,从盈利源、盈利点、盈利措施和盈利屏障四个方面对辽宁省马术俱乐部盈利模式进行分析发现,其盈利模式主要围绕骑乘项目展开,通过各项经营活动,吸引消费者,并在创新盈利措施和构筑盈利屏障等方面展开有益尝试。但行业整体仍存在一些问题,如满足市场需求能力有待提高;各俱乐部互相模仿,盈利源种类、构成比较集中;盈利点趋同,缺乏层次及特色;盈利措施不完善,综合服务水平仍较低;缺乏独特优势,盈利屏障难以建立等。提出繁荣马术产业,吸引媒体,扩大盈利源;依据目标顾客,细分服务档次及类别,精确盈利点设计;加强安全保障,提高服务质量,完善场馆建设,提升盈利水平;开拓特色马术运动项目,丰富消费者体验,建立及强化盈利屏障;组建地方马术联盟,扩大马术运动影响力等对策建议,以期为辽宁省及存在类似情况地区运动马产业发展提供参考。 This paper is aimed at providing reference for the development of sports horse industry in Liaoning Province and other similar regions.According to the general understanding of the concept and profit model of equestrian club,the Chinese equestrian club can be defined as an organization which is mainly engaged in riding teaching,participating in and organizing competitions,breeding and training horses,providing catering and leisure services and promoting equestrian-related products.Based on the survey data available,the profit model of equestrian clubs in Liaoning Province is analyzed in the aspects of profit source,profit point,profit measure and profit barrier.It is found that the Liaoning equestrian clubs make profits mainly by riding projects,that is to say,by implementing various business activities to attract consumers,trying to innovate profit means and establishing profit guarantee mechanisms.Nevertheless,problems still exist in this industry,such as the low ability to meet market demands,little difference between clubs,overcentralized profit sources,homogenized profit points,lack of hierarchy and feature,incomplete profit measures,low level of comprehensive services,lack of unique advantages,difficulties in profit-oriented barrier setup,and so on.Proposals are made such as enhancing the market influence of this industry by attracting media to expand profit sources;subdividing service grades and categories according to target customers to make profit points designing precise;strengthening safety and security,improving service quality and perfecting venue facilities to improve profit measures;developing special equestrian sports and enriching consumer experience to strengthening profit guarantee;and setting up local competition alliances to make concerted efforts to expand the influence of equestrian sports.
作者 李雁南 何风 张目 LI Yan-nan;HE Feng;ZHANG Mu(College of Economics and Management,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning Province,China)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第1期33-38,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 辽宁省教育厅社会科学基金重点项目(WSNZD201603)
关键词 盈利模式 马术俱乐部 盈利源 盈利措施 盈利屏障 profit model equestrian club profit source profit measure profit-oriented barrier
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