
技术创新网络惯例与关系机制的关系研究 被引量:9

A research on the relationship between technological innovation network routines and relationship mechanisms
摘要 本文研究技术创新网络惯例各维度对关系机制的影响。对291家国内企业调查数据多元回归验证。结果显示,合作创新行为默契和创新网络规范共识提高企业间共同信任,促进关系承诺。但创新网络规范共识降低了关系嵌入水平,合作创新行为默契与关系嵌入之间的关系并不显著。 With the rapid development of technology, it is difficult for a single enterprise to fully grasp the latest knowledge required for technological innovation. Therefore, the technological innovation activities of enterprises are increasingly relying on the innovation network to provide more valuable resources and information. The technology innovation network is a collection of relationships among member companies, which determines that the essence of its governance is the relationship governance between network member organizations. The key of whether the operation of the technology innovation network is successful is whether its relationship mechanism can ensure the simultaneous interaction and coordinated cooperation between the cooperative members. That is, the relationship mechanism is the core content of network organization governance. At present, many technology innovation companies have found that there are relatively stable routines in the technology innovation network. Network routines can coordinate the relationship between network members and promote inter-firm cooperation. For instance, Toyota relies on its unique culture and cooperation routines to achieve its relationship with partners in its knowledge sharing network. Therefore, technological innovation network routines have an important impact on the relationship mechanism between member companies.Although scholars have made some useful explorations on the relationship between network routines and relationship mechanisms, the existing researches still have the following shortcomings: The first, scholars have not yet analyzed the impact of different dimensions of network routines on relationship mechanisms. It has been suggested that the construction of the routines includes two aspects of behavior and cognition. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively understand the influence of technological innovation network routines on the relationship mechanisms from two aspects of behavior and cognition. The second, most scholars study the relationship mechanism as a single-dimensional variable. However, the technological innovation network is a typical loose and coupled organization. And the maintenance of the relationship requires complete multi-dimensional mechanisms. Based on the above deficiencies, this paper will regard the relationship mechanism as a multi-dimensional variable, and will discuss the influence of technological innovation network routines on the inter-enterprises relationship mechanism between enterprises from two aspects of behavior and cognition.Based on Dang and Sun’s definition and dimension division of network routines, this paper divides the innovation network routines into two dimensions: cooperative innovation behavior agreement and innovation network specification consensus. And this paper usesLavie’s dimension division of the relationship mechanism into three dimensions: common trust, relationship commitment and relationship embedding. The theoretical hypothesizes of the influence of technological innovation network routines on the relationship mechanism were proposed. In this paper, companies in biopharmaceuticals, electronic information industry, high-end manufacturing, precision instrument manufacturing and other industries with obvious characteristics of innovation and cooperation among enterprises are selected to be surveyed. This paper firstly uses the collaborative relationship accumulated by the author in earlier research to form an innovation network including 450 companies based on 15 companies such as BeijingJiaoda Micro Technology Co., Ltd., Datang Telecom Technology Co., and ZTE et. al. Then, 300 sample companies were selected by stratified sampling in the formed network. Questionnaires are distributed to companies mainly in the form of direct visits and emails. The research activities were carried out from February 2013 to July 2014. The questionnaire results are built into a database, and the establishment of the database is ensured by its data input and verification. The total effective questionnaire for recycling involved 291 sample companies. And the multivariate regression verification for the survey data of 291 domestic enterprises was carried out.It is found that in technological innovation networks, cooperative innovation behavior agreement strengthens the mutual trust between enterprises and improves the level of commitment between enterprises. In the innovation network, repeated behavior patterns between enterprises influence the level of trust between enterprises through the relationship expectations. Trust may be caused by the occurrence of learn and continuous relationship anticipation of the group in frequent transactions. According to this view, trust is gradually established over time through interactions and experiences between firms. Collaborative and innovative behaviors between partners can quickly and efficiently solve the coordination problems that arise during the cooperation process, which improves the level of mutual trust between enterprises and increases the willingness of cooperation between enterprises in the future.At the same time, Innovation network specification consensus improves the level of mutual trust, and promotes the improvement of the level of relationship commitment between enterprises, but reduces the level of relationship embedding. In the innovation network, the common understanding of the common norms of the network between enterprises can reduce the misunderstanding between enterprises. Thus the enterprises more prefer their partners. And it is easier for enterprises to believe the other partners. Therefore the enterprises have more willing to maintain such cooperation in the future. However, because the consensus of the innovation network standard forms a fixed mindset among partners, this mode of thinking will exclude corporate members who are inconsistent with corporate values and ideas, so that enterprises will ignore the attention to novel knowledge, reduce the contact of novel knowledge source.The conclusion of the study provides a new way for enterprises to strengthen their interactions among enterprises, reach consensus, improve the relationship mechanism between enterprises, acquire more network resources, and improve the innovation performance of enterprises. Firstly, it helps to coordinate the relationship between cooperative enterprises in the technology innovation network. The conclusions of this paper show that cooperative innovation behavior agreement in the innovation network strengthens the mutual trust between enterprises and promotes the relationship commitment between enterprises. Secondly, Innovation network specification consensus helps to improve mutual trust and relationship commitment among enterprises. Therefore, member companies in the innovation network should negotiate together and sum up experience in repeated interactions, and thus improve the level of behavior agreement between enterprises. At the same time, through active communication and communication, enterprises should have a clear understanding of the established norms in the process of cooperation. And enterprises should apply the roles of the routines to deal with the contradictions and conflicts in the technological innovation network. Thus the level of collaboration between enterprises will be improved and ultimately the performance of network innovation will be improved.
作者 常红锦 吉迎东 胡琳娜 Chang Hongjin;Ji Yingdong;Hu Linna(School of Management Science and Engineering, Shanxi University ofFinance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006,Shanxi, China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期155-163,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目:"基于网络结构视角的创投网络与创新网络互动机理研究"(71702091) 国家社科基金年度一般项目:"中国企业创新网络权力配置效率及其提升路径研究"(17BGL046) 国家自然科学基金资助项目:"企业网络权力的形成机理 配置效率及其对合作行为的影响研究"(71872014) 山西省软科学研究一般项目:"全球视角下山西科技创新中心微观区块化的创新机理研究"(2017041006-1)
关键词 技术创新网络 网络惯例 关系机制 企业间关系 technological innovation network network routines relationship mechanisms inter-firm relationship
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