
有限元分析在钛合金叶轮加工中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Finite Element Analysis in Titanium Alloy Impeller Processing
摘要 在金属切削加工中,刀具几何参数是影响刀具耐用度的主要因素之一。以刀具前、后角度为研究对象,采用有限元分析方法,通过对TC4材料叶轮的切削仿真,得到了不同刀具几何参数下的钛合金材料切削温度云图,通过对切削温度云图的对比、分析,确定了合适的刀具几何参数,并应用于指导现场生产。经过在实际生产中的应用发现,刀具的耐用度提高了约30%,为实际生产中工艺参数的确定及刀具设计提供了理论依据。 In metal cutting process, tool geometric parameters were one of the main factors that affecting tool durability. Took the back rake angle and end relief angle of turning tool as researching object, and used finite element analysis method, through cutting simulation of TC4 material, the temperature field diagrams under different parameters were obtained, the appropriate tool geometric parameters were confirmed through comparison and analysis to cutting temperature graph, it provided a theoretical basis for the determination of tool parameters in practical production.
作者 王德兵 王世康 WANG Debing;WANG Shikang(Wuxi ShengLong Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214000,China;College of MechanicalEngineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)
出处 《新技术新工艺》 2019年第5期26-29,共4页 New Technology & New Process
关键词 有限元分析 TC4 切削仿真 几何参数 本构模型 叶轮 finite element analysis TC4 cutting simulation geometric parameter constitutive model impeller
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