
矿井无人值守采区变电站自动化系统设计研究 被引量:2

Design of Substation Automation System in Mine Unattended Mining Area
摘要 基于采区变电站智能自动化主要采用远程监控、智能通讯接口和智能测控保护单元,利用红外热像原理检测变电站故障,设计了A/D采集电路元件,并运用C语言开发了无人值守采区变电站自动化操控软件。工业实践表明,采区变电站智能自动化系统运行效果良好,实现了电站无人值守,提高了矿井供电管理水平。 Based on the intelligent automation of substation in mining area,this paper mainly adopts remote monitoring,intelligent communication interface and intelligent measure and control and protection unit,uses the principle of infrared thermal image to detect substation fault,and designs the AXD acquisition circuit element.The automatic control software of substation in unattended mining area is developed with C language.The industrial practice shows that the intelligent automation system of substation in mining area has a good operation effect,which realizes the unattended power station and improves the management level of mine power supply.
作者 柴宗荣 Chai Zongrong(Shanxi Lu'an Group Yuwu Coal Industry Company,Changzhi Shanxi 046100)
出处 《机械管理开发》 2019年第5期228-230,共3页 Mechanical Management and Development
关键词 无人值守 采区变电站 自动化系统 红外热像仪 unattended substation in mining area automation system infrared thermal imager
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