After U.S. Supreme Court decided Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, subsequent Court try to denounce the Miranda Rule in another eleven cases concerning the scope and application of Miranda Rule. The Rule was definitely defeated by four new conservative Judges who were nominated by President Nixon. If we look back the three dissents in Miranda which might have bad influence on the majority, the final decision actually might be a compromise in Miranda. One of the reasons that Miranda Rule failed was for the changes of police investigating tactics and so the criminal suspects rarely insist in the right of silence all along the actual interrogating process. The case of Salinas v. Texas in 2013 is absolutely an example of the failure of Miranda Rule. The majority believed that criminal suspects should have the burden of proof to persuade court that police had focusing on him because of crime although they generally announced that suspects can invoke the Fifth Amendment. The Supreme Court just have done some progress in guaranteeing the Miranda Rule, nevertheless made vague judgments for some reasons which also means conservative judges often control the court.
Journal of Soochow University:Law Edition
Miranda Rule
Right of Keeping Silence
Suspect’s Right of Interviewing a Lawyer
Salinas v. Texas