
双重身份下女性对抗性别偏见的回应行为 被引量:1

The confrontational response of women to gender prejudice between two identities
摘要 偏见不是一种单方面的社会心理现象,而是偏见持有者、偏见对象、旁观者等多方相互作用和共同建构的结果。当女性在作为受害者和旁观者两种不同身份时,她们对性别偏见持有者的回应既有相同之处,也存在着一些差异。压力应对模型和对抗偏见反应模型可作为适应女性双重身份下对抗偏见的两种解释模型,在面对偏见持有者时,不同身份下女性对性别偏见的回应行为主要受到乐观、代价/收益、痛苦水平和女权主义等因素的影响。未来研究应进一步聚焦对抗性回应行为的效度争议、对内隐性别偏见持有者的干预和拓展想象接触的替代作用。 Prejudice is the consequence of the interaction and joint construction of perpetrators,targets,and bystanders,rather than a unilateral social psychological phenomenon.As targets or bystanders,women's responses to perpetrators are different or similar.We discuss Stress Coping and Confronting Prejudiced Responses Models that interpreting women's response to gender prejudice between two different identities.In particular,we analyzed the various influences of optimism,cost/benefit,distress and feminism on the confrontational response of women to prejudice while they are targets versus bystanders.Finally,we outline directions for future research and call for greater consideration on the controversy for the validity of confrontational responses,the intervention on perpetrators who hold an implicit gender prejudice and the substitution effect of expanded imagined contact.
作者 崔佳蕾 崔丽莹 CUI Jialei;CUI Liying(Department of Psychology,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1085-1092,共8页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 偏见 性别偏见 旁观者干预 对抗偏见 女权主义 prejudice gender prejudice bystander intervention prejudice prevention feminist activism
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