
中国健康医疗大数据资源核心元数据研究 被引量:5

Study of the Core Metadata on Health Big Data Resource in China
摘要 目的构建我国健康医疗大数据资源核心元数据方案,为健康医疗大数据资源的有效利用与管理提供信息标准支撑。方法以Rational rose为建模工具,构建健康医疗大数据资源核心元数据模型,并以摘要形式进行元数据的属性描述。结果健康医疗大数据资源核心元数据模型包含内容、表示、资源获取与共享、资源管理、资源责任方5个元数据实体和25个元数据元素。每个元数据实体和元数据元素通过中文名称、定义、英文名称、数据类型、值域等属性描述。结论健康医疗大数据核心元数据标准能够为海量信息资源管理提供信息标准支撑,促进资源的高效检索、识别、定位和利用。 To construct the core metadata scheme of health big data resources in China,and provide information standard support for the effective utilization and management of health big data resources.Method With Rational Rose UML modeling tool,we built a core metadata model for health big data resources and described the attributes in summary format.Results The core metadata model of health big data resources consisted of 5 metadata entities,which included content,expression,resource accessing and sharing,resource management and resource responsible party,with 25 attributes.Metadata entities and attributes were defined and described by sub-attributes such as Chinese name,definition,English name,data type,range,and so on.Conclusion The core metadata standard of health big data would provide important support for the management of enormous information resources and promote efficient retrieval,identifying,locating,and utilizing of the resource.
作者 王霞 李岳峰 董方杰 胡建平 张学高 WANGXia;LI Yuefeng;DONG Fangjie;HU Jianping;ZHANG Xuegao(Department of Health Statistics, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Air Force Medical University(Fourth MilitaryMedical University),Xi’an 710032, Shanxi, China)
出处 《中国卫生信息管理杂志》 2019年第3期268-271,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management
基金 我国医药卫生信息共享政策保障机制研究(中国工程院项目编号2016-XZ-20-04) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:81673269)
关键词 健康医疗大数据 核心元数据 health big data core metadata
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