

The Decaying of Tradition: Aristophanes' Politics and Philosophy
摘要 将古希腊"喜剧"改译作"谐剧"的做法引来了人们对谐剧品质本身的反思,而研究古希腊谐剧最重要的文本涉及亚里士多德《诗学》、阿里斯托芬《云》和柏拉图《会饮》。从这三个文本出发探究谐剧的性质,可发现其中存在的政治与哲学问题:《诗学》指出了谐剧在模仿问题上开启了向下的沉沦,《云》本身则暴露出谐剧诗人在民主时期的政治诉求,《会饮》里的神话点明了谐剧诗人的文艺手法和政治诉求。它们均受各自作者哲学眼界的影响,而这亦是谐剧诗人与苏格拉底的真正差异之所在。 To translate the Greek comedy into"Xie Ju"in Chinese has aroused a lot of reflections about the nature of comedy;in ancient Greek,the most important text concerning comedy includes Aristotle’s Poetics,Aristophanes’ Clouds and Plato’s Symposium.Basing on these texts,this paper tries to explore the nature of comedy and finally discover the political and philosophical issues in Aristophanes’ writing: firstly,Poetics points out comedy begins the decaying in the mimesis;Clouds discloses the political pursuit of comedy in democracy;finally,the Speeches of Aristophanes in Symposium proves that the decaying of mimesis and the political pursuit of comedy poet has been determined by the philosophical limits,which marks the real difference between comedy poet and Socrates.
作者 崔嵬 CUI Wei
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2019年第3期26-32,共7页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 阿里斯托芬 喜剧 谐剧 《诗学》 《云》 《会饮》 Aristophanes comedy "Xie Ju" Poetics Clouds Symposium
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