
双歧三联活菌制剂联合蒙脱石散治疗小儿腹泻的疗效观察 被引量:5

Bifidobacterium Triplet Live Preparation Combined with Montmorillonite Powder in the Treatment of Infantile Diarrhea:Effect Observation
摘要 为观察双歧三联活菌制剂联合蒙脱石散剂治疗小儿腹泻的临床效果,将40例腹泻患儿随机分为对照组和观察组,每组20例。对照组给予蒙脱石散配合补液纠正电解质平衡对症治疗,观察组给予蒙脱石散联合双歧三联活菌制剂配合补液纠正电解质平衡对症治疗,比较2组疗效、症状缓解时间、免疫功能指标、血清炎症因子指标及继发性腹泻发生率。结果显示,观察组患儿总有效率高于对照组(P <0.05),其大便性状恢复正常时间、排便次数恢复正常时间、退热时间均短于对照组(P<0.05),治疗后观察组的免疫功能各项指标均高于对照组(P <0.05),其血清炎症因子各项指标均低于对照组(P <0.05)。观察组无继发性腹泻者,对照组发生继发性腹泻4例,发生率为20.00%。结果表明,双歧三联活菌制剂联合蒙脱石散剂用于小儿腹泻可有效缓解患儿症状,调节其免疫功能,抑制其肠道炎症反应,有利于提高其临床疗效,减少继发性腹泻。 This study was to investigate the clinical effect of bifidobacterium triplet live preparation (BTLP) plus montmorillonite powder(MP) in the treatment of infantile diarrhea( ID)( randomly divided 40 cases of ID into control group (20 cases, MP+ infusion to correct the unbalance of electrolytes and doing symptomatic medication) and observation group [20 cases,( MP+ BTLP)+ infusion to do so], then compared effect,relief time of symptoms, immuno-function norms,serum inflammatory factors, and incidence of secondary diarrhea between the two groups.As results,in total effective rate,in the time for faeces characters returned to normal,for defecation frequency recovered to normal,and for reducing the fever,in immuno- functions after treatment,and in serum inflammatory factors observation group was respectively and significantly higher,shorter,higher and lower than control group(all, P <0.05);as for secondary diarrhea recurrence rate observation was lower than control group[0/20(0%) vs 4/20(20.00%), P <0.05].Results show that BTLP + MP can effectively relieve ID patients' symptoms,regulate their immuno-function.inhibit the intestinal inflammatory response,which are beneficial to enhance clinical effect and to reduce secondary diarrhea occuring.
作者 路永文 LU Yong-wen(Pediatric Dept.,the 3rd Peoples Hospital of Wudu District,Longnan,Gansu 746000)
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2019年第4期34-36,共3页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
关键词 腹泻 小儿 蒙脱石散剂 双歧三联活菌制剂 疗效 Diarrhea Infant Montmorillonite powder Bifidobacterium triplet live preparation Effect
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