目的了解实施国家基本公共卫生服务后,攀枝花市基层预防接种单位人力资源现状,评价其对全市免疫规划工作要求的适应性,并提出改进意见。方法于2017-01/03采用问卷调查攀枝花市所有预防接种门诊工作人员,并结合相关报表资料进行描述性统计分析,率的比较采用卡方检验。结果调查70个预防接种单位,150个接种人员。其中,城镇接种单位29个,51.72%的服务半径大于5 km;农村接种单位41个,95.12%的服务半径大于10 km。每千名0~6岁儿童配置预防接种人员1.90人。2年内,预防接种人员更换比例平均60.00%,个别县达到104.76%。预防接种工作人员从事4~5项基本公共卫生服务项目的占35.33%,从事6项及以上工作的占27.33%;从事预防接种工作的时间仅占全部工作时间的54.02%。在预防接种岗位工作5年及以下的占64.00%,工作5~10年的占17.33%,工作10年及以上的占18.67%。具有大专及以上文凭者占80.00%,年龄在40岁及以上者占42.00%,取得中级及以上职称者占22.66%。基层工作人员对工作满意率平均为42.00%。81.33%的工作人员认为预防接种为高风险工作。结论攀枝花市基层预防接种工作人员短缺,业务素质能力不足。建议完善绩效考核机制,提高基层预防接种岗位中级及以上职称构成比例,提高基层预防接种人员的专业素养,多举措提升职业获得感。
Objective To investigate the situation of human resources of primary vaccination entities after the implementation of national essential public health services, evaluate adaptability of human resources to the requirements for the immunization program,and propose suggestions for improvement.Methods All the employees of vaccination clinics in the city were surveyed by using questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed on the basis of the questionnaires and related report forms. Results Seventy vaccination entities and 150 employees were surveyed.Among the 29 township entities, the service radius of 51.72% was more than 5 km. Among the 41 rural entities, the service radius of95.12% was more than 10 km. On average 1.9 vaccination workers were available to serve every1 000 children aged between 0 and 6 years. About 60.00% of the employees were replaced within two years. The rate reached 104.76% in some individual counties. Among the employees, 35.33%of the employees were engaged in four to five essential public health services, and 27.33% were engaged in more than six services;64.00% have worked in vaccination for not more than five years, 17.33% for five to ten years, and 18.67 for more than ten years;80.00% hold junior college or higher degrees;42.00% were aged 40 years or older;and 22.66% had intermediate or higher professional titles. The average satisfaction rate of employees in primary entities with the job was 42.00%;and 81.33% of the employees considered vaccination a high-risk job. Conclusion The quantity and ability of human resource of fundamental vaccination units are inadequate. The performance evaluation mechanism should be improved. The proportion of primary vaccination workers holding intermediate and higher job titles should be increased properly, and their professional quality should be improved. Multiple measures should be taken to improve their sense of acquisition from their jobs.
LAN Xi;WEI Xiaoqing;WEI Xueyu;LIU Hui;ZHOU Xiaoli(Panzhihua Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Panzhihua 617000,Sichuan Province,China;Panzhihua University,Panzhihua 617000,Sichuan Province,China)
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
human resources
cross-sectional investigation