
旅游社区居民外迁影响因素研究——基于问卷和人口普查数据的鼓浪屿实证研究 被引量:9

Study on the Influencing Factors of Residents. Relocation in Tourism Community——An Empirical Study of Gulangyu Island based on Questionnaire and Census Data
摘要 理解居民外迁现象对旅游社区可持续发展具有重要意义。现有文献对居民外迁现象主要从管理体制与社会调控的角度进行探索,主要基于单一数据源且以定性分析为主。该研究以鼓浪屿为例,基于微观问卷调研和人口普查数据,运用Logit模型,采取量化比对验证的方法探究旅游社区居民外迁影响因素。研究发现:(1)居民对于公共服务设施的满意程度显著影响外迁意愿,对公共服务设施满意度越低越倾向于外迁,工作地点和受教育程度也对居民外迁意愿产生一定影响;(2)居民受教育程度、婚姻状况显著影响其外迁行为,受过高等教育的居民较未受过高等教育的居民更趋向于外迁,已婚居民较未婚居民更倾向于外迁;(3)外迁居民迁入地人口集聚密度与商业、文化、医疗及教育指数成正比,外迁居民更倾向于选择搬到公共基础设施更齐全、资源更丰富的地方居住。 Due to the increase of tourists and tourism services in the community, there are many problems in the development of tourism community, such as the weakness of service function, overcommercialization and the hollowing of community culture. In the process of tourism development,how to protect the original community culture and balance the relationship between tourism development and residents’ life had been becoming the focus of attention. The residents’ relocation in tourism community is a special form of population flow and an important phenomenon in the contemporary tourism development process. Understanding the phenomenon of residents’ relocation is of great significance to the sustainable development of tourism community. Studying the influencing factors of residents’ relocation is the key to understand this phenomenon. The existing literatures mainly study this phenomenon from the perspectives of management system and social regulation. The research on the influencing factors of residents’ relocation in tourism community is relatively few, and often uses a single data source. Starting from the relationship between the emigration place, the residents and the immigration place, this study takes residents’ satisfaction with emigration infrastructure, residents’ social and economic attributes and immigrations’ built environment as the link. Residents’ attributes include age, gender, ethnic, education, marriage, residence time, working place and house property. Immigrations’ built environment is measured by five indicators: population density index, business index, cultural index, medical index and education index. Gulangyu is a typical tourism community. Due to the tourism development and the impact of relevant policies, the phenomenon of residents moving out has appeared, which is representative in empirical cases. Taking Gulangyu Island as an example, this paper uses Logit model to analyze the influencing factors of residents’ willingness to emigrate and the choice of emigration. Logit model is suitable for explaining the probability of events, and can better study the relationship between population socio-economic information, choice intention and population mobility behavior, and the correlation between residents’ behavior and built environment. The influencing factors of residents’ willingness to emigrate were analyzed by questionnaire data, and the influencing factors of residents’ choice to emigrate by census data. The internal consistency of the residents’ willingness to emigrate and the choice of emigration is verified by comparing the two results. The study found that:(1) Residents’ satisfaction with public service facilities significantly affects their willingness to move out, the lower the residents’ satisfaction with local public service facilities, the more they tend to move out, and the workplace and education level also have a certain impact on their willingness of relocation.(2) Residents’ educational level and marital status significantly affect their behavior to move out, residents with higher education are more likely to relocate than those without higher education, and married residents tend to move out more than unmarried residents.(3) The density of population agglomeration is proportional to the index of commerce, culture, medical treatment and education. The migrants prefer to move to places with more complete public infrastructure and abundant resources. Improving the quality of community infrastructure is an extremely important means to avoid or solve the residents’ migration.
作者 李渊 付航 高小涵 王灿 LI Yuan;FU Hang;GAO Xiaohan;WANG Can(School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361000, China;College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200082, China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期117-127,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"基于行为分析的景区人流模拟与空间优化--GPS与问卷结合的研究"(41671141) 中央高校基金项目"地图空间-认知空间-行为空间的作用机理及景区优化方法"(20720170046) 厦门市科技局项目"面向三维环境和大数据的旅游心理容量测算方法与规划设计平台(3502Z20183005)共同资助~~
关键词 LOGIT模型 鼓浪屿 居民外迁 景区 旅游者行为 logit model Gulangyu population mobility scenic area spatial behavior
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