
金融交易所市场风险及优化分析研究 被引量:1

Research on market risk and optimization of financial exchange
摘要 了解现在的市场结构,需要认真宏观地分析银行间市场、交易所市场等内容。宏观的市场主要包含货币市场、资本市场、外汇市场、黄金市场这几大类。金融交易市场里,进行一次交易会遇到非常多的情况,涨停趋势是瞬息万变的,整体趋势、策略选择、品种选择、交易策略、风险控制、具体下单交易、极端情况应对、心理系统建设一样都不能少。在金融市场中交易成功,重要的是有正确的投资理念,抛弃短期内暴富的幻想,追求长期稳定的盈利,依靠规模和复利取胜,还要有长期的实战经验。用事实说话,向市场学习,重视风险,谨慎投资,如履薄冰,这样才能在最为残酷的资本市场中活下去。 To understand the present market structure, it is necessary to analyze the interbank market, the exchange market and so on carefully and macroscopically. Macro market classification mainly includes money market, capital market, foreign exchange market, gold market. In the financial trading market, there will be a lot of situations when a transaction is conducted, and the rising and limiting trends are rapidly changing, the overall trend, strategic choice, variety selection, trading strategy, risk control, specific order issuance and trading, and extreme situations should be dealt with. The construction of the psychological system can not be less. To be successful in the financial market, it is important to have the right investment ideas, abandon the fantasy of being rich in the short term, and pursue long-term stability. Fixed profit, rely on scale and compound interest to win, but also have long-term practical experience. In fact, learn from the market, pay attention to risks, invest cautiously, walk on thin ice, so that you can live in the most brutal capital markets.
作者 王子菡 Wang Zihan(Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025, China)
机构地区 贵州财经大学
出处 《现代盐化工》 2019年第2期113-114,共2页 Modern Salt and Chemical Industry
关键词 金融交易 金融市场 交易所 financial transactions financial markets exchanges
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