
流式细胞仪测定三种鸢尾科植物基因组的大小 被引量:6

Genome Size Estimation for Three Iridaceae Plants by Using Flow Cytometry
摘要 目的:研究传统药用植物射干和鸢尾的基因组大小,为射干属和鸢尾属药用植物种质资源、品种鉴定和基因组研究提供参考。方法:本研究采用OTTO两步法制备细胞核悬液,使用碘化丙啶(PI)染色,以番茄作为内标植物,用流式细胞仪分别测定鸢尾、射干和巴西鸢尾新鲜叶片核悬液的荧光吸收强度,估算它们的基因组大小。结果:射干的基因组大小约为(5 296.27±177.06)Mbp,鸢尾基因组大小约为(4 494.07±76.57)Mbp,巴西鸢尾的基因组大小约为(4 074.91±170.70)Mbp。结论:3种鸢尾科药用植物的基因组较为复杂,射干和鸢尾、巴西鸢尾基因组间差异较大,鸢尾和巴西鸢尾的基因组差异较小。 Objective:To investigate the genome sizes of traditional medicinal herbs Belamcanda chinensis and Iris tectorum,in order to establish a base for the germplasm resources,species identification,and genome research of medicinal plants from Belamcanda and Irisgenera genera.Methods:The nuclear suspension was prepared by OTTO two-step method.Afterwards the nucleus was stained bypropidium iodide(PI),flow cytometry was used to detect the fluorescence absorption intensities of the nucleus of Belamcanda chinensis,Iris tectorum and Neomarica gracilis,with tomato as an internal reference.Results:The genome sizes(C-values)were(5 296.27±177.06)Mbp,(4 494.07±76.57)Mbp and(4 074.91±170.70)Mbp for Belamcanda chinensis,Iris tectorum and Neomarica gracilis,respectively.Conclusion:The genomes of the three medicinal plants from Iridaceae are complexly,and there are large differences between Belamcanda chinensis and Iris tectorum,Neomarica gracilis,respectively,while a little difference between Iris tectorum and Neomarica gracilis.
作者 朱敏 王云鹏 熊文波 罗盈光 段礼新 陆幸妍 ZHU Min;WANG Yun-peng;XIONG Weii-ho;LUO Ying-guang;DUAN Li-xin;LI Xiug-van(School of Biosciences and Biophannaeeulics,(iuangdong Pharmaceutical I nixersity .Guangzhou 510006,Chinti;Internatioiicil Institutefor Translation Chinese Mrdicine/School of ICM ,Guaningzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《中药材》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第10期2306-2310,共5页 Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials
基金 广州市科技计划项目(2018-1002-SF-0437) 广州中医药大学“杏林青年学者”项目(A1-AFD018171Z0311).
关键词 鸢尾(川射干) 射干 巴西鸢尾 基因组大小 流式细胞仪 Iris tectorum Maxim. Belamcanda chinensis(L.)DC. Neomarica gracilis(Seub.ex Klatt)Sprague Genome size Flow cytometry
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