

Recognition and Justice: A Theoretical Interpretation of Honneth’s Concept of Pluralistic Justice
摘要 霍耐特在型构承认理论的基本框架后,又将视域扩展到道德哲学与政治哲学领域,描绘了一幅多元正义的理想图景。这种多元正义构想以“承认”为核心范畴,以个体的主体间实现为旨归,它不仅关涉个体自我同一性的建构,同时由于承认的复数性特征,正义必然涵盖原始关系、法权关系以及共同体等领域。最后,霍耐特试图以一种重构的方式揭示社会正义的内涵与实现路径,从而弥合理论与实践之间的裂痕。这是霍耐特正义思想的一次系统表达,是对其多元正义构想的进一步确认与完善。 After building the basic framework of the theory of constitutional recognition,Honneth extended his vision to the field of moral philosophy and political philosophy,and described an ideal picture of pluralistic justice.This concept of pluralistic justice takes"recognition"as the core category,and the realization of individual subjectivity as the fundamental purpose.It is not only related to the construction of individual self-identity,but also cover the original relationship,legal relationship and shared community,because of the plural nature of recognition.Finally,Honneth tried to reveal the connotation and realization path of social justice in a reconstruction way,thus bridging the gap between theory and practice.This is a systematic expression of Honneth's justice thought,and a further confirmation and improvement of its concept of pluralistic justice.
作者 周萍 ZHOU Ping(School of Marxism,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100089,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期15-21,共7页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“马克思共同体思想视域下的人类命运共同体构建研究”(17CKS022) 北京高校中国特色社会主义理论研究协同创新中心(首都师范大学)“马克思主义与当代中国文化建设”(PXM2019-014203-500006)的阶段性成果
关键词 霍耐特 承认 多元正义 自我同一性 复数性 重构式 Honneth recognition pluralistic justice self-identity pluralism reconstruction
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