
记忆的嫁接:古淮阴地名的嬗变与传承 被引量:1

Grafting of Memory:The Evolution and Inheritance of Ancient Place Names Huaiyin
摘要 淮阴地名始自秦代,为今淮安地区最早的县级政区。秦汉以迄唐宋时期,淮阴县或有兴废,淮阴城随之发生更替。南宋咸淳年间,置清河县,由于水患的不断侵扰,清河县城屡易其治。元初,淮阴县终被裁撤,其行政区划意义消失,其地划属清河县。同时,淮阴以文化记忆的面向,逐渐传播、扩散并延续于山阳县境内,明代官员对以淮阴为内核的地理景观加以重建,为淮阴属于山阳县提供了实物证据。客观地说,古淮阴县及其故迹在清河县境内,山阳县的古迹确实并非真迹。不过从文脉传承的角度,明清时期山阳县承继、保存古淮阴县的历史记忆,乃地方文化之幸。 The place name of Huaiyin originated from the Qin Dynasty , and it is the earliest county-level political district in Huai'an region. From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Tang and Song Dynasties, Huaiyin County was either prosperous or obsolescent, and Huaiyin City was replaced gradually. During the Period of Xianchun in the Southern Song Dynasty, Qinghe County was set up. Due to the constant intrusion of flooding, the governance of Qinghe County was repeatedly replaced. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Huaiyin County was eventually abolished, and its administrative division disappeared. Its land was classified as Qinghe County. At the same time, Huaiyin gradually spreaded and continued in the territory of Shanyang County with the direction of cultural memory. The officials of Ming Dynasty reconstructed the geographical landscape with Huaiyin meaning .These behaviors provided sufficient evidence for Huaiyin belonging to Shanyang County. Objectively speaking, the ancient Huaiyin County and its historical sites are in the territory of Qinghe County, and the historical sites in Shanyang County are indeed not authentic. However, from the perspective of cultural heritage, Shanyang County in the Ming and Qing Dynasties inherits and preserves the historical memory of the ancient Huaiyin County, which is the fortunes of local culture.
作者 王聪明 李德楠 Wang Congming;Li Denan(Center for Canal and Grain Transportation Culture Study of Huaiyin Normal College, Huai'an Jiangsu,223001)
出处 《地方文化研究》 2019年第2期1-7,52,共8页 Local Culture Research
关键词 地名 淮阴 山阳 行政区划 文化记忆 Place name Huaiyin Shanyang Administrative division Culture memory
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