

Arab Countries and the “Eisenhower Doctrine”
摘要 苏伊士运河危机让纳赛尔成为整个阿拉伯世界的英雄,推动了阿拉伯民族主义在阿拉伯世界的广泛传播,并意味着欧洲殖民列强在中东大势已去,给苏联提供了向中东渗透的最好时机。在这种情况下,阿拉伯国家政治和外交出现了阿拉伯民族主义政权和苏联势力这两种强有力的新元素,西方国家在中东的势力受到前所未有的威胁,亲西方的阿拉伯政权的地位不仅开始落后于民族主义政权,而且这些政权自身的存亡也受到了威胁。美国认为苏伊士危机后中东出现了“权力真空”,因此艾森豪威尔政府感到有必要提出所谓的“艾森豪威尔主义”,来填补欧洲列强撤军给中东造成的“权力真空”,以此遏制共产主义和民族主义在阿拉伯国家的渗透,进而加强西方中东盟友之间的合作。 The Suez Canal Crisis has made from Nasser a hero of the entire Arab world and has promoted the widespread of Arab Nationalism in the Arab world. Meanwhile, the Suez Canal Crisis has meant the vanishing of European colonial powerin the Middle East and has provided the Soviet Union with the best opportunity of infiltrating the Middle East. Thus, the Arab countries’ political and diplomatic arenas have witnessed the emergence of Arab nationalist regimes and the Soviet poweras main powerful new elements. The Western countries power in the Middle East has been under an unprecedented threat, the pro- Western Arab regimes not only began to lag behind the nationalist regimes, but also the survival of these regimes themselves has been threatened. The United States believed that after the Suez CanalCrisis there was a “Power Vacuum” in the Middle East. Therefore, Eisenhower government felt the need to put forward the so-called“ Eisenhower Doctrine” to fill out the“ Power Vacuum” left behind after the withdrawal of European powers from the Middle East, in order to curb the infiltration of Communism and Nationalism in the Arab countries, and to strengthen the cooperation between Western and Middle Eastern allies.
作者 瓦利德 Walid Abdallah(Peking University)
出处 《北大中东研究》 2018年第1期144-160,178,共18页 Middle East Studies of PKU
关键词 艾森豪尔主义 阿拉伯民族主义 权力真空 Eisenhower Doctrine Arab Nationalism Power Vacuum
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