
健身锻炼中股后肌群训练动作的有效性研究 被引量:5

The Effective Study on the Training Action of Hamstring in Fitness Exercise
摘要 目的随着社会的不断进步和发展,人们生活条件得到不断改善,吃、穿、住、用、行等问题都基本解决[1],但是迎面而来巨大问题是全民体质处于一个不断下坡的趋势,亟待引起所有人的注意,因此习总书记提出全面健身的发展水平是一个国家体育发展水平的重要标志,同时也是国家的一项重要任务[2]。而健身就是采用各种科学的方法进行锻炼,使身心保持一个健康的状态[3][4],因此方法是关键,不懂或者是模棱两可,于人于己都是不负责任的表现。本文主要研究方向是全民健身股后肌群的训练动作的有效性的研究,旨在为全民健身提供科学有效地训练方法。方法选取西安体育学院大二健身健美专项30名男生为实验对象,训练不足一年无比赛无等级且健康无伤病,年龄为20~25岁,平均身高:175±5.36cm,平均体重:77.56±7.94kg,运用运动生物力学和医学影像等研究方法和测量手段,根据股后肌群的生理解剖特征、功能及相关训练理论,利用表面肌电测试对众多动作对肌肉刺激大小进行排序、利用等速肌力测试对运动员股后肌群最大力量进行测试和利用彩色多普勒超声仪测试对受试者进行股后肌群的厚度测试,并获取指标,经数理统计分析得出结果,从而选择出对股后肌群训练特别有效地动作,为全面健身提供参考依据。结果8个训练动作对股后肌群刺激大小由大到小依次为反向腿弯举、俯卧腿弯举、站姿腿弯举、坐姿腿弯举、弓箭步深蹲、直腿硬拉、史密斯深蹲、弓背挺身。在一定程度上,运动员的体重、股后肌群力量、股后肌群肌肉厚度成正比。大部分人的屈伸肌群比例失调。结论在一定程度上体重越大,屈肌力量越大,屈肌力量越大其股后肌群厚度也就越大。不同的训练动作对目标肌群的刺激强弱不同,单关节运动的动作对肌肉刺激大于多关节运动对肌肉的刺激。大部分人的屈伸肌力量之比远远低于60%,说明股后肌群的力量远远滞后于股四头肌的力量,而股后肌群对于人体的功能的维持以及健康方面来讲都是至关重要的,所以无论是运动员还是正常人群,其比值也不能小于60%,比值越低,受伤的风险就会越大,应加强屈肌训练。彩色多普勒超声仪能清楚的对单块肌肉厚度进行测试,其清晰度、准确度远远超过以前的各种测试方法,以后将更多地运用于体育研究之中。 Objective : With the continuous progress and development of society, people's living conditions have been constantly improved, eating, wearing, living, using, walking and other problems have been basically solved, but the huge problem facing the whole people's physique is in a downward trend, which urgently needs the attention of all people. Therefore, General Secretary Xi proposed that the development level of comprehensive fitness is a national physique. The level of development of education is an important symbol, but also an important task of the country. And fitness is to use a variety of scientific methods to exercise, so that the body and mind to maintain a healthy state, so the method is the key, do not understand or ambiguous, people are irresponsible for themselves. The direction is to study the validity of the training movement of the national body-building posterior femoral muscles, so as to provide a scientific and effective training method for the national body-building. Methods:A total of 30 male students in Xi'an Institute of physical Education were selected as experimental subjects. They were trained for less than one year without competition, without grade, healthy and sick, aged 20 to 25 years old. The average height was 175 ±5.36 cm, and the average weight was 77.56 ±7.94 kg. By using the methods of sports biomechanics and medical imaging, according to the physiological and anatomical characteristics, function and relevant training theory of the posterior femoral muscle group, the average body height was 175 ±5.36 cm and the average weight was 77.56 ±7.94 kg. Surface electromyography(EMG)was used to rank the muscle stimulation, isokinetic muscle strength test was used to measure the maximum strength of the posterior femoris muscle group and color Doppler ultrasound was used to test the muscle stimulation. The thickness of the posterior femoral muscle group was measured, and the index was obtained. The results were obtained by mathematical statistical analysis, and then the training of the posterior femoral muscle group was selected to be particularly effective, which provided the reference for the overall fitness.Results:The order of stimulation to posterior femoral muscle group in 8 training movements was reverse leg bending, prone leg bending, standing leg bending, sitting leg bending, bow and arrow step squat, straight leg pulling, Smith squat, and bow back. To a certain extent, the weight of athletes, the strength of posterior femoral muscles and the thickness of posterior femoral muscles are proportional to each other. The proportion of flexor and extensor muscles in most people is disproportion. Conclusion:To a certain extent, the greater the weight, the greater the flexor strength and the greater the thickness of the posterior femoral muscle group. The intensity of different training actions on target muscle group is different, and the single joint movement is greater than the multi-joint movement on muscle stimulation. The ratio of flexor and extensor muscle strength in most people is far lower than that of 60 percent, indicating that the strength of the posterior femoral muscle group lags far behind that of the quadriceps, and that the posterior femoral muscle group is essential for the maintenance and health of the human body. Therefore, whether athletes or normal people, their ratio can not be less than 60 percent, the lower the ratio, the greater the risk of injury, should Strengthen flexor training. Color Doppler ultrasound instrument can clearly test the thickness of a single muscle, its clarity and accuracy is much higher than the previous testing methods, and will be more used in sports research in the future.
作者 陈伟 王琨 郭东雪 CHEN Wei;WANG Kun;GUO Dongxue(Department of Physical Education,Shaanxi RailwayInstitute,Weinan Shaanxi,714000,China;Department of Health Science,Xi'an Physical EducationUniversity,Xi'an Shaanxi,710068,China)
出处 《四川体育科学》 2019年第3期36-42,共7页 Sichuan Sports Science
关键词 全民健身 健身锻炼 股后肌群 训练动作 LSD多重比较 有效性 National fitness Exercise Posterior femoral muscle group Training action LSD Multiple Comparison Effectiveness
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