
实现均匀照明的自由曲面光学透镜设计 被引量:1

Design of Optical Freeform Surface Lens for Uniform Illumination
摘要 常规LED通常不能直接用于照明场景下,因此需要对其进行二次光学设计。本文针对LED的发光特性,分析了其发光空间和被照面之间的能量拓扑映射关系,并通过迭代算法,构建出自由曲面透镜模型,最后在光学仿真软件中实现了LED的均匀照明效果。在教学过程中,通过对LED照明设计方法的讲述和计算流程引导,能有效培养学生对复杂设计问题的分析能力。 Conventional LED cannot be directly used in lighting scenarios,so secondary optical design is needed.In this paper,according to the luminous characteristics of LED,the energy topological mapping relationship between the luminous space and the illuminated surface is analyzed,the energy mapping grid is divided,and the free-form surface lens model is constructed by iteration algorithm.Finally,the uniform illumination effect of LED is realized in the optical simulation software.In the teaching process,through the description of LED lighting design method and the guidance of calculation process,students can effectively develop their ability to analyze complex design problems.
作者 周延桂 ZHOU Yan-gui(Foshan University,Foshan Guangdong 528225,China)
出处 《科技视界》 2019年第12期32-32,81,共2页 Science & Technology Vision
基金 佛山科学技术学院青年启动项目(CGG07054) 国家自然科学基金项目(61705035)的资助
关键词 LED 自由曲面 照明配光设计 LED Freeform Surface Lighting Distribution Design
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