
河南省畜牧业供给侧结构性改革研究——基于比较优势 被引量:1

Research on supply-side reform of animal husbandry in Henan Province——Based on comparative advantage
摘要 畜牧业供给侧结构性改革是新时代经济发展和产业深度调整的必然要求。本文采用比较优势指数测算了河南主要畜牧产品的规模优势、效率优势和综合优势,并运用灰色关联法分析了主要畜牧产品结构对河南省畜牧业产值增长的贡献情况,据此提出供给侧结构性改革建议。结果表明,河南在猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、牛奶生产上具有一定的优势,其中牛肉优势最为明显,禽肉比较劣势,同时主要畜牧产品对畜牧业产值关联度从大到小排列顺序为:肉羊、猪、禽、肉牛、牛奶。 With the economic development and the inevitable requirement of the depth adjustment, husbandry reform is an inevitable requirement. The paper calculates the comparative advantage indexes of the main husbandry products in Henan province , and further empirically examines the contribution of the husbandry structure adjustment to the husbandry growth. The resuits show that the pork , the beef, the mutton and milk production in Henan province have advantage, and the poultry production have disadvantage;while the grey correlation degree between the major livestock products and husbandry economy are: mutton , pork , poultry, beef and milk. It concludes that the beef and mutton production should be increased in Henan province, enlarge the production scale and develop green animal husbandry.
作者 吴珍彩 WU Zhencai(College of Economics and Trade of Henan Univercity of Animal Husbandry and Economy,Zhengzhou Henan,450044,China)
出处 《现代牧业》 2019年第2期31-35,共5页 Modern Animal Husbandry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41761030) 河南牧业经济学院金融创新与产业发展升级科研创新团队资助项目(201610),河南牧业经济学院西方经济学本科教学团队资助项目(84000026)
关键词 供给侧结构性改革 畜牧业 比较优势 灰色关联分析 supply reform animal husbandry comparative advantage grey relational analysis
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