As for an perpetrator who obtains a real and effective guarantee by deceiving the guarantor, the double fraudulent act of applying for a loan to the financial institution may result in different judgments in similar cases in judicial practice. In such cases, because of the emergence of three methodological relations, the mixing of civil relations and criminal behavior has made certain difficulties in the nature identification of this behavior. In fact, in such cases, the focus of the dispute lies in determining whether the property of a financial institution, like a bank, has suffered losses and whether the behavior of the perpetrator has violated the legal interests of the financial management order. When the perpetrator has the purpose of illegal possession, his behavior only constitutes the crime of contract fraud rather than a crime of loan fraud. However, when the perpetrator does not have this illegal purpose, no crime is committed by his behavior at all. There is only a civil legal relationship among the perpetrator, the guarantor and the financial institution.
Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law
Double fraud
Crime of contract fraud
Crime of loan fraud