

Feeding amount of pot-worm (Enchytraeus bulbosus) on American ginseng root and its generational fertility
摘要 【目的】扩充球囊线蚓(Enchytraeus bulbosus Nielsen&Christensen)的生物学理论,并估算这种新害虫对西洋参的危害及损失程度。【方法】设计9阶培养温度与3级亲代新成蚓初始密度互作的二因素试验,对球囊线蚓实验种群培养、观测1代,提取6个属性或数组变量,经方差分析确定多项处理效应,研究培养温度和初始密度对其亲代成蚓存活率、繁殖力和子代取食量的影响。【结果】培养温度(T)对亲代成蚓存活率(SR)、培养期(RP)、F_1代成虫当量(AE)、亲代均殖数(PCR)和亲代日均殖数(DMR)造成显著或极显著影响。SR值在12.0~30.1℃达87.1%,但在9.9和33.0℃显著下降。RP值在9.9~30.1℃随T升高而迅速缩短。在9.9~27.1℃,AE均值为64.3,PCR均值为35.9,二者都在30.1℃显著下降。DMR值随T升高而显著上升,在27.1℃达到最高,然后骤降。T对F_1代新成蚓的取食量(FA)无显著影响,FA均值为鲜参根粉1.19mg/AE。初始密度(N_0)对RP、AE、PCR、DMR和FA作用显著,但对SR不显著。AE随N0升高而显著上升,PCR或DMR都随AE升高而显著下降,此趋势揭示F_1代个体间存在拥挤效应。FA亦随AE升高而显著下降,说明F1代混合群对食物强烈竞争,并构成球囊线蚓取食西洋参宿根的损失系数。【结论】SR、AE、PCR和DMR共同反映球囊线蚓亲代成蚓存活与繁殖特性,而FA则揭示子代新成蚓对西洋参宿根的取食量,这些属性都可用于估算球囊线蚓田间种群及其对西洋参的损害程度,以便测报并有效防治。 【Objective】 Impacts of both rearing temperature and initial density on survival rate and fecundity of parental adults and feeding amount of filial new-adults of the pot-worm, Enchytraeus bulbosus Nielsen & Christensen (Clitellata:Enchytraeida:Enchytraeidae) were studied to extend its biological theories and estimate the level of damages and losses of American ginseng, Panax quinquefolium L.,caused by the new pest.【Method】 A two-factor experiment was designed in that nine gradients of constant temperature interacted with three levels of initial density of parental new-adult inoculations,and a full generation of the pot-worm was reared and observed.A total of six indexes were extracted,and an ANOVA was performed to determine effects of multiple treatments.【Result】 Rearing temperature ( T) exerted significant impact on survival rate ( SR ) of parental adults, rearing period ( RP ),adult equivalent ( AE ) of the first filial offspring, per capita reproduction ( PCR ) by parental adults,and daily mean reproduction ( DMR ) by parental adults. SR averaged at 87.1% in the range of 12.0-30.1 ℃,but reduced significantly at 9.9 and 33.0 ℃. RP shortened rapidly with T of 9.9-30.1 ℃.The mean AE was 64.3,and mean PCR was 35.9 in 9.9-27.1 ℃,and both lowered significantly at 30.1 ℃. DMR increased with T significantly,reached the peak at 27.1 ℃,and then declined sharply. T had little influence on feeding amount ( FA ) of the first filial new-adults on fresh ginseng tissues,and mean FA was fresh mass 1.19 mg ginseng root powders per AE.Initial density ( N 0) exerted significant impact on RP,AE,PCR,DMR and FA, but showed little influence on SR.AE increased significantly with N 0 .As decreased with AE significantly,the trend of PCR or DMR revealed crowding effect among the first filial individuals.As declined with AE significantly,the trend of FA meant strong competition of food in the first filial progenies,and contributed to loss coefficients of American ginseng root.【Conclusion】 SR,AE,PCR and DMR reflected the characteristics of pot-worm parental adults to survive and reproduce,whereas FA revealed feeding amount by filial new-adults on American ginseng root.These indexes can be used to estimate the pot-worm’s populations and the damages to ginseng in the field so as to forecast and control the pest efficiently.
作者 赵利敏 马桂兰 郭素芬 ZHAO Limin;MA Guilan;GUO Sufen(College of Bioscience and Engineering/Shaanxi Key-Laboratory of Bioresources,Shaanxi University ofTechnology,Hanzhong,Shaanxi 723001,China)
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期47-53,共7页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 陕西省自然科学基金重点项目(2009JZ006)
关键词 球囊线蚓 西洋参 繁殖力 存活率 取食量 Enchytraeus bulbosus American ginseng fertility survival rate feeding amount
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