
3种常见壳寡糖盐的生物活性比较 被引量:1

Comparison of biological activity of three common chitosan oligosaccharide salts
摘要 【目的】比较壳寡糖乳酸盐(COS-LA)、壳寡糖乙酸盐(COS-HAc)及壳寡糖盐酸盐(COS-HCl)的组分及其体外生物活性,为壳寡糖的产业化开发提供参考。【方法】以壳聚糖为原料,使用不同酸溶解,在相同酶降解条件下分别制备COS-LA、COS-HAc、COS-HCl,采用超高压液相色谱-飞行时间质谱仪(UPLC-Q TOF MS)分析其组分。以小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7为例,研究了3种壳寡糖盐及其对应钠盐对免疫细胞的诱导活性及抑制炎症活性;以白色念珠菌为例,研究了3种壳寡糖盐及其对应钠盐的生物被膜破坏活性。【结果】超高压液相色谱-飞行时间质谱仪分析结果表明,同一聚合度的3种壳寡糖盐的相对含量无明显差异。同等质量浓度下,3种壳寡糖盐的体外免疫诱导活性表现为:COS-LA>COS-HAc>COS-HCl;抗炎活性表现为:COS-LA>COS-HAc>COS-HCl;生物被膜破坏活性表现为:COS-LA>COS-HAc>COS-HCl。3种壳寡糖盐对应钠盐的生物活性检测结果与壳寡糖盐结果相似。【结论】盐型对壳寡糖的生物活性有一定的影响,其中以壳寡糖乳酸盐的生物活性最佳。 【Objective】 This study compared the composition and bioactivity of chitosan oligosaccharide hydrolactate (COS-LA),chitosan oligosaccharide acetate acid (COS-HAc) and chitosan oligosaccharide hydrochloride (COS-HCl) to provide reference for industrialization development of chitosan oligosaccharides.【Method】 COS-LA,COS-HA and COS-HCl were prepared by enzymatic degradation with chitosan using different acids.The components were analyzed by UPLC-Q TOF MS.The induction and inhibition of inflammatory activity of three COS salts and their corresponding sodium salts were researched using RAW264.7 cells and the antibacterial activity was studied with candida albicans.And the result of bioactivity of sodium salts is similar with COS salts.【Result】 The results of UPLC-Q TOF MS showed that there was no significant difference in the composition of chitosan oligosaccharide salts with the same polymerization degree.At same concentration,immunogenic activity was in the order of COS-LA>COS-HAc>COS-HCl.Anti-inflammatory activity was in the order of COS-LA>COS-HAc>COS-HCl and antibacterial activity was in the order of COS-LA>COS-HAc>COS-HCl.【Conclusion】 The bioactivity of chitosan oligosaccharide salts was influenced by salt type.Chitosan oligosaccharide hydrolactate (COS-LA) had the best bioactivity.
作者 刘静 贾培媛 焦思明 程功 李瑞莲 王倬 裴志超 杜昱光 LIU Jing;JIA Peiyuan;JIAO Siming;CHENG Gong;LI Ruilian;WANG Zhuo;PEI Zhichao;DU Yuguang(College of Chemistry & Pharmacy,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering,Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China)
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期139-144,共6页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0502303-4)
关键词 壳寡糖 盐型 生物活性 chitosan oligosaccharide form of salt bioactivity
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