
Assessing Text-grading of the Introduced Graded Readers in China

Assessing Text-grading of the Introduced Graded Readers in China
摘要 An increasing number of graded readers thus come out for pedagogical purposes. However, the reliability of text-grading for graded readers remains questionable. Whether they show linguistic difference across levels needs further research given a shifted emphasis on multidimensional features. The study used Co-Metrix to give an assessment on graded readers’text-grading both under unidimensional and multidimensional indices, providing a testimony to publishers’original design and to the feasibility against the new trend. It indicated that across-grade difference only partly corresponded with publishers’text-grading rationale that focused on surface features. But it made no sense in linguistics at a deeper level since no overall difference was found. Therefore, the reassessment and design of graded readers were suggested to take account of multidimensional features for across-grade difference. An increasing number of graded readers thus come out for pedagogical purposes.However,the reliability of text-grading for graded readers remains questionable.Whether they show linguistic difference across levels needs further research given a shifted emphasis on multidimensional features.The study used Co-Metrix to give an assessment on graded readers’ text-grading both under unidimensional and multidimensional indices,providing a testimony to publishers’ original design and to the feasibility against the new trend.It indicated that across-grade difference only partly corresponded with publishers’ text-grading rationale that focused on surface features.But it made no sense in linguistics at a deeper level since no overall difference was found.Therefore,the reassessment and design of graded readers were suggested to take account of multidimensional features for across-grade difference.
作者 李细妹 LI Xi-mei(Faculty of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510042, China)
出处 《海外英语》 2019年第10期271-272,280,共3页 Overseas English
基金 2018年广东外语外贸大学研究生科研创新项目(18GWCXXM-39)
关键词 reliability text-grading GRADED READERS assessment Coh-Metrix reliability text-grading graded readers assessment Coh-Metrix
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